Monday, August 12, 2013

City Park: The People’s Park Saved through Public Action

By Bettina Ng’weno

 As a child growing up in Nairobi in the 1940s and 1950s my father, Hilary Ng’weno, would visit City Park regularly.  Part of a gang of children from Muthurwa, Pumwani, Shauri Moyo and Kaloleni he would walk across town on a Sunday to hear the Police or Army marching bands play in the Bandstand. The children would then head for the Maze.  This was one of their favorite activities.  At the maze would be Kenyans of all walks of life, Africans, Asians, Europeans, the young, the old, in families and couples and of course his gang of children.  The children, being regulars at City Park, had figured out how to get to the middle of the maze and how to get out again.  They loved to see adults get lost in the maze and be unable to find their way out. How clever they felt. 

The children loved to come to City Park to see the monkeys and squirrels.  It was their escape into nature.  My father remembers the sounds of birds as the sound track of the park, providing atmosphere and novelty for the children as they explored. Heading home at the end of the day they would pick zambarau and loquats from the trees at Pangani long ago planted by Indian Kenyans as they settled this part of Nairobi.

Declared a free public park in 1932 City Park is Nairobi’s only municipal park with indigenous forest. City Park also has planted gardens, rivers, hiking trails, a bandstand, and cemeteries for Catholics, Anglicans, Jews and veterans of the First and Second World Wars, providing diverse outdoor interests to visitors.  This biodiverse park with 1000 different species of plants and animals is also rich in history as the final resting place of the freedom fighter and socialist Pio Gama Pinto (assassinated in 1965) and our second vice president Joseph Murumbi. Murumbi’s love for African art is celebrated with the Murumbi Memorial Sculpture Garden.

City Park exists today because in the 1990s Nairobi residents took action against a grab of the park.  Forming Friends of City Park, they protested the conversion of public land to private land in newspapers and government offices.  This public action finally led to the gazettement of City Park as a National Monument in 2009, protected under the Museums and Heritage Act.  Today people from the City Center, Embakasi, Kibera, and Kasarani make up the majority of the visitors to City Park.  They still come to be amused and amazed by the monkeys.  To experience the greenery so absent from their everyday lives. Sadly the bandstand is silent as the last band played there in the late 1970s.  And even more sadly the maze, entertainment for so many over the years, is still under threat of being grabbed. Almost 20 years ago some Nairobians stood up so that we would be able to enjoy this free public park as they did. Would you do the same?



As the crickets crackled up all night their in-tube soundtrack; a music band took to the stage; all jovial and full of humor; set at the PAWA254 Hub during the Fatuma’s Voices Poetic edition.
Their song “Uliza Kiatu”; I don’t know where it falls in terms of genre but it did bring out H_art the Band as an emerging vocal powerhouse among many Kenyan vocalists.
The tune is humor filled and certified feel -good; boisterous love song about a guy who goes out of his way; despite being not so rich to impress a girl.

It is a story of a guy jilted but still crazy in love and if his shoes were to talk; they would give a painful yet loving memoir of a boy who has paid for an expensive cab but ran to catch the train at Railways Nairobi.

The band had in tow a guitarist; Kenchez Muya who just churned out this funk; soul and reggae sounds drift. In between the song; the lead vocalist drifts into a spoken word frenzy that just blew the crowd away.
The tune is armored well and justice is done by their cool lyrical fuse of English and Swahili. It is a sure light-up for your musical senses.
As they take to their seats; Hart the Band jokes; “find us on Facebook on H; underscore; Art the Band! Na Kama huchui underscore ni nini; just andika E then toa F! (And in case you don’t know what an underscore is; just write E then remove F from it!)”

The ecstatic 50-plus audience at the event burst out; ribs aching and joy engulfing the whole room; H_art the Band know it is only for a short while; they will be back again.
They are definitely poised to scale milestones in fusing music and poetry.

-find H_art the Band on Facebook and YouTube; on Facebook: H_Art the Band and on YouTube it is just: H_Art the Band. OR EMAIL:


The art scene in Kenya is pretty diverse.  I met a bunch of photographers and artists at the PAWA254 hub and their enthusiasm and creativity got my attention to shine the light on them.
Armed with their colorful frame and camera; the Upart Together crew takes pictures of people through the frame- a new reimaging of our city and its people.
Follow the discussion on Facebook: UPart Together.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Named the best Boutique Bar in Nairobi; Up Magazine’s Best Continental Award and Heineken Award for exceptional achievement to Nairobi nightlife at the just concluded Taste Awards 2013; Brew Bistro and Lounge opened its wide doors in 2009 and has since then established itself as the leading specialty Brewery in Nairobi.

The above awards and achievements have shown that the people of Nairobi have spoken and consider it more than just an excellent brewery; but also a quality kitchen and culinary delight; and a good night out in the town.

Providing a broad array of culinary treats that range from tapas and gourmet burgers; to Pan Asian tastes; ‘Brew’ indeed does cater to  broad  audience; providing a beer to go with every dish and every mood.

‘Brew’ is bringing a new scene in the foodie table. With beer and food pairing revolutionizing the world today; wine pairing is now being forced to take a back seat. No offence to the “winers!”

Brew Bistro is now opened for lunch; executive business lunches and take-out services. Some experience how to pair robust tenderloin with an Indian Pale Ale; more than a simple merlot. Your experience of the culinary delight of executive Chef Tim Freeman will delight you and leave you earning for more.

In the 2011 Taste Awards; Brew Bistro (Fine Dining) took home the award for the best steak. A good steak can be pretty hard to come by; but a divine one is truly rare. The Butcher’s Block at ‘Brew’; features Morendat Gold premium beef; aged for 21 days.

-for reservation and enquiries;
C: 0719 648 138/ 0731 006 068
L: Ngong Road.

Monday, August 5, 2013


August is here-the second half of the year and what a great time to take stock! If you have been keeping up with #NAI NI WHO on our blog; then you know by now that I have been a part of the volunteering team for zone 8-Ngara; Parklands and Highridge.
Well; Saturday 3rd august; volunteers

; partners and friends of NAI NI WHO were treated to a great dinner at the Sarova Stanley hotel in appreciation of their valuable contribution to our community since the beginning of the festival.

We got an honorary plague award- and I say we; because you too have been part of this blog. I am never a blogger if I have no readers to influence or read what I am writing.
And just taking time to look back; I thank God because volunteering has opened up many doors; opportunities and built me. I have given myself passionately and selflessly without getting tired. I have heard my highs and low downs but I have learnt to pick myself up through God’s strength and running on.

June saw us volunteer for two weeks in Thika with missionaries from the Praise Team Church-U.S.A. we did outreach ministry; fed the poor and hungry; prayed for healings and had a n awesome time just giving ourselves in service;

Then towards the end of June and into July; another surprise opportunity came up with 
www.KENYABUZZ.COM ; ho called me up to be their Daystar University Brand Ambassador. They saw our blog and like it and they have been publishing some of our content too;

then July-august; Nairobi’z Blogazine meets with #NAI NI WHO and what comes out is a mash-up of two separate organizations that are united in their visions and aspirations for Nairobi;

As a blog; it is definite to say that we are growing and moving forward. And before I forgot; July saw us join Facebook with a bang and welcome a fashionista to the family;

Thank you for being part of Nairobi’z Blogazine-ASANTE SANA!


For two days last week; Thursday to Friday; Nai Ni Who was literally off the rails and off the hook! Held at Nairobi’s best entertainment spot-the K1 Klubhouse; we experienced an ecstatic crowd; atmosphere and a climatic response that we couldn’t even have dreamed of when we sat down to plan the affair.

Thursday saw the screening of a Kenyan film –“Something Necessary.” The crowd had a chance to mingle with the movie crew; actors; actress; directors; producers; ask questions and even get autographs.

They gave us a well-kept secret of their next project thrill to Kenyan cinema-“VEVE” (local slang for khat). The film is set to give a fresh take on the miraa business and Kenyan lifestyle.
One Fine Day Films and Ginger Ink production have been working on films like “veve” to create a platform to facilitate local film makers to produce exceptional films (for more info o Veve’s release

The two day fiesta kicked on to Friday with the Nai Ni Who after party. As soon as the darkness fell; the K1 backdrop came alive with colorful lighting.

Revelers were treated to fun pool-table challenges and foosball-with winners bagging home cool Ni Ni Who t-shirt merchandises.

Much love to Kenya scouts association; the ST. John ambulance and K1; David; Jacquie; Walter; Mehal and the whole crew of Nai Ni Who for pulling the strings together and making it happen-