Thursday, March 27, 2014


Picture this; you are at a wedding and soon everyone breaks into a well synchronized and choreographed dance. Well; to add the fun, the bride joins in. well this has been the trending video of Roni and Chris Wanjagi; with over 9,000 hits already on YouTube and has been trending too.

watch it here-


Stunning! Love every bit of it... except for that iPad user... LOL!
0.41  +Kimari Maina
0.47 is that +Kiarii Kimani 
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+Shiku Ngigi and now the world begins to shrink to the size of a pea.... you know Kiarii? lqtm.... 
Haha! I do. 6 degrees of separation nini nini.
hahaaa DWL. congrats. where was the groom thou? lol
+Ann Rain He is right next to the bride in the checked half coat and brown trouser...
Thats how weddings should be done. Mwafanga uhiki ungi mukanjita.

Njeri Macharia via Google+

3 days ago
Yes niko hapo nachezea bwana cheza chezaaa eeeeee! cheza! :)
View all 3 replies
I sent on Shiru's wall. :) fb
+Njeri Macharia you were in this o_O haha
Just a correction, a bit more than four people knew, but twas awesome in the end
This is awesome!!!
that wasn't even half of it
Best wedding Dance of 2014 #flashMOB
Looked like they had a real blast!
+Mark A. Kathurima oh! yes they did
This, is Really beautiful....Now that's "having fun at your wedding" defined!! Kudos to the couple. Choice blessings pia!
Now that's a fun wedding!
amazing! I love it
wooow this is so awesome!!!!
the wedding was really fun...
Fun gallore!
awesome!!!! awesome!!!!
Gorgeous client, gorgeous heart
Aaaaah that was too fuuuun whaaaat!!!



“o God; to whom all things grow, and by whom they are strengthened when grown, stretch forth your hand upon your servant who is sick at a tender age: that recovering the vigor of health, he may arrive at the fullness of year, and always give to you  a faithful and grateful service all the days of his life. Amen”

Once again, moths after the Westgate terror attack; the nation is united in prayers-towards baby Satrin Osinya. The baby with terrorist’s bullet in head landed in Nairobi; with 12 neurosurgeons already ready to examine him.

The terrorist bullet that killed baby Satrin’s mother in church and spared him-just two months to his first birthday-is lodged dangerously in his head.
The baby’s mother’s life was ended while she was shielding him-exiting her body and buried itself in his head.

On social media; many took to express their views with prayer groups already on Facebook; one wrote: “I am in tears now, may God save this boy.” On twitter; the anger was towards the government laxity to insecurity on the Likoni church terror attack:

“Tears are still flowing as I read this for sure what does an innocent one year old have to do with this? For how long shall this go on? Its high time government mercilessly rained on these heartless hooligans and ensured they face wrath of the law. This can’t go on anymore!”

Kenya now stands with the other victims and baby Satrin in deep prayers.

By Embukane Vincent Libosso.

Konshens Announces Date For His Kenyan Performance

Over the years Konshens has been building an arsenal of hits including  ‘This Means Money’,  ‘Good Girl Gone Bad’ featuring Tarrus Riley, ‘Realest Song’, ‘Gyal A Bubble’ and ‘Do Sumn’, just to name a few. Konshens has performed on almost every major reggae show across the world and has racked up several international awards.
Pull up to mi fundamentals seems to be the collabo that will be ruling the airwaves after the 12th of  April.
If the status update by Konshens comes to fruition,Ken Wa Maria will be curtain raising for the dancehall sensation at the KICC on th e 12th of April alongside  Kriss Darling, DJ Joe Mfalme and local dancehall star Wyre.

The Jah Love Me singer will be making his way back to Kenya after a successful visit in  2011 at the height of his career. He posted the following status
konshens screenshot
konshens screenshot

Konshens is not only busy making riddims, he makes sure the riddims earn him enough to maintain a star’s lifestyle. Due to his large fan base in Jamaica, soft drink manufacturer  Pepsi signed the 28 year old artiste to be their brand ambassador.
To celebrate this major signing Pepsi Jamaica will be re-introducing Pepsi Bubbla at an estimated Kshs 45 for a limited time.
We are giving back to the consumers in a very special way. The product Jamaicans have come to love and enjoy has decided to ‘tun up’ the refreshment by re-introducing Bubbla at $50! We are excited about this and know consumers will be too,” A Pepsi Jamaica official explained.
The Bubbla is a stylish 500ML bottle that is lightweight and has a slender grip for the convenience of consumers while boasting the same signature blue and red colors of Pepsi. It is available in outlets in Jamaica.
Konshens is gearing up for yet another full length album to be released later in the year.


It's official, Nyota Ndogo has lost her small mind. This babe organized a protest against Moustapha ati he's insulted women including his own mother coz of that infamous pic akidara Huddah down low! /o\ 

The whole protest made the news bana><Yaani Coasto mamas have so much free time they even made placards and ish? /o\ 

Nyota's warning to Coasto artists: Don't post nudes or provocative pics on the internets yaani in a language they understand, Msiweke picha za uchi kwenye mitandao! - Jeremy Odhiambo
Moustapha is finally relevant again. Relevant as a living example of what you should not do to stay relevant. 

He tried the Tujuane avenue & came off as the King of Thirst. Then he had a shoot with Huddah & claimed they were bumping uglies! 

When Huddah called him out for the fake relationship, saying he wasn't in her class na hawesmek, Moustapha resorted to crying in his Coasto swahili "Kama Mtu hayuko class yako mbona mnapigaje picha ukiwa sindiria? Mboona hukupiga na watu wengine?” Woi! - Jeremy Odhiambo

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


360 Artisans Pizza is not just a clever name. These are people who take the Artisan in their brand very seriously; to such an extent that they sent two of their chefs to Napoli to learn at the feet of the master himself, EnzoCoccia. Just hearing his name makes you think of somebody who’s really, really good at making pizza. And he is. In fact he is the owner of one of the top pizzerias in Napoli called La Motizzia (The Muse). If you are not impressed by this, you should have a talk with the Executive Chef from 360 Artisan Pizza, Joy Marambii, about why you should be.
“It was amazing. Napoli is an artisan town where craftsmanship is very respected. Being a florist, a butcher, or a pizza maker, and being the best at it, demands a lot of respect in Napoli,” she says. She spent four weeks together with EnzoCoccia learning how to cook the traditional Neapolitan pizza. “The pizza has to be made from double zero flour, the water has to be from Napoli, you have to use sea salt and special olive oil. It has to be made in a brick oven built with volcanic rock, and you have to use the right firewood. It’s really and art form,” says Joy.
Though there is a very strict tradition in Napoli’s pizzerias, Enzo is a modern chef who experiments with style and ingredients. Something that goes went down well with the 360 Artisan Pizza chefs who are dishing out pizza’s like House-Made Spicy Lamb Sausage with Romesco Pesto, Roasted Zucchini and Mint; and the Roasted Cauliflower & Pancetta with Fontal Cheese and Red Chili.
Though these are mouth-watering toppings, Joy has a very firm believe in what really makes the difference between being good and being great. “The perfect pizza begins with the perfect doe. The perfect crust. If you don’t get the crust right it doesn’t matter what you put on it.”
By Joseph Kibiru


Most regulars at the famous Blues Restaurant describe their first time there as serendipity; they were passing in a car, or stopping for some fries near Hurlingham centre when the sound of a guitar solo rose out of the night like a dream in the night and beckoned them closer. There are pieces of stained glass art welcoming you into the wooden comfortably cozy space, and images of Miles Davis, John Coltrane among blues legends look out at you from the walls. Softly, speakers spill out the sweet sounds of the blues as the band sets up in a space to the front of the room.
Forging and spreading the rhythm and spirit of the blues in Kenya, the Blues Restaurant, located in in the serene enclave of Hurlingham centre is dedicated to great food and heart racing blues. Lovers of blues legends like B. B. King, Albert King, Buddy Guy, Muddy Waters and Robert Johnson will find no other place in Nairobi with such dedication to the concept of blues as presented by the talented restaurant Band every Friday from 8:00 p.m. The members of the band are as fluid in performance as the genre is in style, with guest guitarists, saxophonists, and harmonica players as well as other musical professionals joining the band on stage each week to electrify audiences with dazzling blues renditions.
George Dyer hailing from Portland Maine brought his diverse collection of blues songs to Nairobi and for six months filled The Blues with Delta, Texas, and Chicago bluesas well as Blues rock and the New Orleans shuffle. The few short months he spent at The Blues elevated the status of the restaurant to one now identified as having the best blues in Kenya. His bold gift continues in the hearts of the many musicians he touched and collaborated with as the great tradition continues with racy blues every Friday night. All blues lovers need look no further for great food, a chill time and a night of heart stopping blues.

For more info, email or call +254 20 5210791+254 20 5210791

By Ondi Madete-