Saturday, March 15, 2014



Last weekend two of#254Nairobievents went down! Fashion, revelers having a good time and good music was significant in both. For Nairobi Fashion Market (NFM); it was all shoes; fashion accessories; hats; handbags; dresses and unique designs.
The semi-annual two-day festival gives online retailers a rare chance to interact with their clients and make new ones.

At The Go Down; dj kafi; Nazizi; Chris Adwar and The Villagers Band gave the growing number of revelers to The Go Down Gig a good time. The air filled with soothing sounds; good music and a great crowd; made the event a must attend and a must talk-about!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



 New Year Resolutions are for romantic wimps. Ok, not true. But it sounds like something you have heard a lot from different quarters. Well, I want 2014 to be my year for living, going the extra-mile and breaking my 2013 records, and achievements. Uhm, you get my point.

My head is on steroids over this list of things I want to do this year. Even though most are preposterous, some are quite attainable, but if only I overpower one beat -that insane spirit of procrastination.

Here goes. This year I want to travel down to the Coast and sneak into those sandy beaches, and also get a taste of costal music, especially Taarab and experience their culture.

I want to embrace writing more thus year. Not just through my Nairobi’s blog (Nairobi’z Blogazine); but also write more poetry and more fiction stories. I want to support a children’s home for vanity’s sake but also for philanthropy. I also want to engage more wit people and bring a great inspiration into another being. You know, make a difference?

This year I want to follow my media personality dreams; even more with a positive vigor and attitude and determination. This year I want to read more and watch less TV. I will go back and give videography a second shot. I will also take my photography seriously and capture some of the best award-winning moments for this year.

I will also make it a point to know most strangers in my life starting with the names of the guys who pick garbage ever Wednesday.

This year after volunteering with a cancer trust last year; I have to pluck up the courage to do that physical examination or prostate cancer. Then when I’m done with it, I will grow my beard in November and get also more male friends to do the same; in celebration of “movember”-the prostate cancer awareness campaign

Lastly, I want to read the Bible, work on my relationship with Daddy God, a new vigor t overcome my addictions and stronghold struggles; whine less to God and tell him ‘thank you” even more, because there is so (so so) much to be grateful for. Even with a receding hairline…hahahaaha!
And this year, I must join Instagram and Twitter!

By Embukane Vincent Libosso-inspired by Steve Biko of Msafiri.