DISCLAIMER- this is a
very long post!
Last week, a
three-judge bench ruled out that the Mombasa
Republican Council is not an illegal group. The judges went ahead to advise MRC
to establish itself as a political organization recognized by the law and
agitate for their demands within the constitution.
There is nothing hard
like a group demanding something from the government without the knowledge of
their history. This often leads to poor judgement and lack of direction while
advocating for your rights. MRC needs to learn a bit of history!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mombasa Republican Council
formed in 1999 to address the political and economic discrimination against
the people of the coast province.[3]. The group traces its secession
claims to the 1895 and 1963 agreements transferring the ten-mile strip of
land along the coast to the Government of Kenya. Some critics characterize
these British agreements as a form of bribery designed to facilitate
colonization of the interior; the creation of native reserves sowed the seeds
of negativity ethnicity. The group contests these agreements as invalid,
because they were enacted without the consent of coastal stakeholders, and
says the state of
[edit]Secession claims
Mombasa Republican Council was
dormant until 2008 when it first raised claims that Mombasa should secede
from Kenya to become an independent state, their reason being that the
secession would liberate the people of the coast province from
marginalization by the successive governments in Kenya. The slogan they are
using is Pwani Si Kenya ("The Coast is
not part of
Journal of Humanities and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 20; December 2011
The Ten Miles
Coastal strip: An Examination of the Intricate Nature of Land
Question at
Dr. John M.
Department of
Political Science
and Public Administration
In 1886, the Anglo-German Treaty was signed
influence in
decided to allocate
him ten miles coastal strip running from Kipini in the north to
Germans thereafter
paid for the right to use the sultan’s ten mile possession on the German East
African section.
The British on the
other hand opted to pay annual rent to the sultan equivalent to the amount of
tax collected by
sultan in that part
adjacent to
1920 when the
British government wanted to change the status of EAP into a colony. The
British realized that the
ten miles coastal
strip could not be annexed without causing international conflict because of
the various treaties
that the sultan had
entered with various powers guaranteeing their sovereignty and control over
her coastal
dominions. Thus,
the colonial government went for a quick fix by renaming the territory,
Colony and Protectorate
colony. It was this
quick fix that later reared its ugly face at the time of independence when
the Arabs in the
coastal strip
rejected to be incorporated in independent
administration at
with the then Prime
Minister of
African inhabitants
who for many centuries had remained as squatters. This paper examines the
injustices that
African inhabitants have endured over the centuries and how the various
administrations have
overlooked their
interests. Consequently, land at the coast has become so expensive to an
extent that ordinary
people cannot
afford. It is argued that a solution
has to be found to contain the recurrent land conflicts
experienced every
election year.
East Africa
Protectorate (EAP) as
British possessions
in Eastern Africa like
“white colony” like
force the Imperial
government to grant them such status. It was this realization that made the
British government
in 1923 to issue
and the Asians)
conflicted with African interests, the latter would be paramount.
1 While this
declaration was
hollow in all
intent and purposes it gave precedent on how to resolve conflicts arising
from the interests of
Europeans, Asians
and Arabs and the inhabitants of the country. However, this declaration, it
would seem it did
not change the
uneasy relations that existed between the Africans and the Arabs residing
within the ten mile
coastal strip which
was assumed to belong to the sultanate of
coastal strip as
per 1895 agreement between the British and the sultan later proved to be a
major obstacle to the
development of EAP.
This anomaly was detected when the European settlers and the Colonial Office
hoped to
finance major
developments in the protectorate using cheap loans borrowed under Colonial
Stock Act of 1900.
*Paper prepared for
Robert Maxon,
Struggle for
This Colonial Stock
Act was passed when Joseph Chamberlain was Secretary of State and was a great
advocate for the
development of what
he called “Imperial Estates” to refer to British overseas possessions.The
Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Social Science © Centre for
Promoting Ideas,
However, they were
advised that the protectorate could not benefit from such funds since it was
not a colony or a
British dominion.
The Crown Agents for the Crown advised the CO to look for ways of changing
the status of the
protectorate to a
colony. It was this desire to change
the status of the protectorate to a colony that exposed the
intricate political
arrangement of the territory. It became clear that the incorporation of the
ten mile coastal strip
into the colony
would arouse international conflicts from other countries that had entered
into trading agreements
with the sultan of
France in 1862, and
Germany in 1886, which recognized his sovereignty. Notably, the 1886
treaty did not abrogate the former treaties. In fact, the 1886 treaty is the
one that internationally
recognized the ten
mile coastal strip as the rightful dominion of the sultanate of
A minute by Herbert
Read, the then Assistant Undersecretary of State observed that whether the
loan was raised
by Lloyd, a private
bank that had showed interest to fund railway construction in EAP or by the Colonial Agents
of the Crown (CA),
the protectorate would only get better terms if annexed and made a colony. He
thought there
was no reason not
to annex EAP with the exception of the Sultanate of Witu. He further observed
that the control
of the protectorate
at the time had been tightened and there would be no objection by the
Ideally, what
the CA were
suggesting seemed to be a sensible economic argument that through the
Colonial Stock Act of 1900,
the country would
get a loan at a low interest rates, but they overlooked the political and
implications to the
Africans in the protectorate who were not privy to what was being schemed.
Admittedly, if the
First World War did
not break out in 1914, it seems the protectorate would have become a colony
by then.
Thus, after the
First World War the proposal to annex the protectorate was revisited. Read
suggested that the
matter of
annexation of EAP and the construction of the
Uasin Gishu railway be discussed with the newly
appointed governor,
Sir Edward Northey, who was in
A minute by William
Bottomley, First
clerk, East Africa Department shows that Northey agreed to take up the matter
after reporting to
his station in
to enter
negotiations with the Sultan of
the new colony.
Northey visited
What is interesting
about the deliberations between the sultan and Sinclair is that the Resident
tried to convince
the sultan that the
annexation of his ten miles coastal strip was to ease administration of EAP
and “there was no
intention of
detracting from His Highness’s prestige and that the revenue of sultanate
would not suffer in
As would have been
expected from a “puppet” administration, the sultan accepted the proposal by
stating that:
He was the child of
His Majesty’s Government and was always ready loyally to carry
out its wishes. If
His Majesty’s government considered the alienation desirable he
was quite prepared
to agree to it.
But Sinclair
observed that although the sultan did not object to the proposal,
treaties with both
the governments of France and
governments should
be approached to agree on cession.
9 When reporting
the deliberations with the sultan,
Northey on his part
reinforced the need for the S of S to approach
March 1862
Declaration that had guaranteed the
It is not clear why
the representatives of the British and the Germans thought that the sultan’s
territory extended
for only ten miles
from the sea. They also assumed that any person residing within the ten miles
was a subject of
the sultan. After
the 10 miles, the British protectorate was recognized.
Robert Maxon.
Minute by Read, 27
July 1914, CO 533/144.
Minute by Read, 29
October 1918, CO 533/196.
Long to Northey, 18
November 1918, CO 533/196.
Sinclair to
Northey, 13 September 1919, CO 533/214.
Northey to Milner,
31 October 1919, CO 533/214.
By another treaty
arrangement with the sultan of
10 miles coastal
strip on condition that the government in EAP would pay £6,000 as interest
for the £200,000 paid
to Imperial British
East Africa Company for the company assets in the sultanates
being annuity
previously paid by the company. In total the government was required to pay
£17,000 to the Sultan
Unfortunately, the
10 miles coastal strip was not clearly delimited, and the treaty remained a
thorny issue when
deliberating the status of Africans residing in the controversial area. Even
at the time it was
noted by Bottomley
that it was difficult to determine “who British subjects were and which the
sultan’s were.”
The annexation was
officially issued on 11 June 1920 when the Order-In-Council was passed,
but the
Legislative Council
in the EAP was supposed to ratify it. Accordingly, when Northey returned to
the protectorate
he announced the
annexation of the EAP during a Legislative Council session on 9 July 1920.
He told the
councillors that
the annexation was passed to enable the colony raise cheap development funds
to construct the
Uasin Gishu
railway, Kilindini harbour and the Thika railway extension. Thus, Northey,
We shall now be
able to float a loan for the development of the country. I anticipate
roughly that we
shall require £2,000,000 for Plateau railway, £500,000 for Thika
£1,000,000 for Kilindini harbour.
The name, Colony
and Protectorate of
future independence
join Sultanate of
between the coastal
inhabitants, a joint commission under Sir James Robertson was put in place to
seek views on
the future of the
ten miles coastal strip.
A protracted debate
has been ranging on the legitimate owners of land within the ten miles
coastal strip. The
earliest documents
demonstrate that Africans inhabited the region. The Periplus of the
around 100 AD by
anonymous writer mentions the inhabitants of the region as men who were black
and of great
stature ruled by
They also used
wicker baskets to fish. These inhabitants traded with merchants from
world, Persia, Oman,
that the Swahili
controlled the coast before Arabs settled in the area. It would seem the
conquest of the coast by
the Portuguese from
1500 and the ruthless administration they established was very un popular
with East Africans
and was the main
cause for the Swahili to enter into a marriage of convenience with the
In 1660 Swahili
sent a delegation to
the coast of the
Christian presence. The delegation was led by Mwinyi Nguti, Mwinyi Mole bin
Haji, Mwinyi
Ndao bin Haji,
Motomato wa Mtorogo and Kubo wa Mwamzungu but the sultan refused to assist.
A second
delegation was sent
in 1729 and was able to convince the sultan to offer military assistance. It
was this military
assistance that
routed the Portuguese out of East Africa in 1798 after a series of battles
sultan Said Seyyid
transferred his headquarters from
descendants to have
full political control over East African coast.
The colonial
domination created by the Arabs
at the coast made
various European powers to enter into various treaties with the sultan for
they assumed he was
the master of all
inhabitants of the coast. It was on this assumption that the British and the
Germans decided to set
aside the ten mile
coastal strip for the sultan of
12 William
MacGregor Ross,
Minute by
Bottomley, 23 October 1918, CO 533/196.
Milner to Bowring,
telegram, 23 June 1920, CO 533/240.
East African
Standard, 10 July 1920.
Robert O. Collins,
Eastern Africa: VOL. II of African History, Text and
1990), 48-49.
Amos Kareith,
“revisiting ten-mile strip controversy,” The Standard, September 30, 2007.
Ibid., 113-117.The
Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Social Science © Centre for
Promoting Ideas,
The Germans later
paid £200,000 to the sultan as compensation for the control of the coastline
adjacent to their
The British on
their part they opted to pay an annual rent of £17,000 to the sultan of
them that the
British were about to grant independence to African nationalists.
The first
coastal strip was
concerned. Consequently, during the second
conferences, one on
colony and the other on the protectorate. The protectorate which covered the
ten miles coastal
strip was
represented by Arabs, but Jomo Kenyatta and Ronald Ngala and a few other
African delegates attended
the deliberations
of both conferences. The Arabs wanted the ten miles coastal strip to either
be given autonomy or
secede to join the
sultanate of Zanzibar instead of being incorporated in independent
Muhaahamy submitted
The Arab community
would not regard their rights and interests as being adequately
protected if the
government of the protectorate were ceded to a
responsible to
Kenyan electorate.
Their observation
was that if Her Majesty’s Government was to cede the territory to
of faith entrusted
on them by 1895 agreement. The African elected leaders led by Ngala were of
the view that the
coastal strip was
rightfully African territory and should be part and parcel of independent
In fact, Oginga
Odinga wanted the
1895 agreement between the sultan of
Tom Mboya
was even more
candid and proposed that those Arabs that were not ready to join Independent
go back to
It was due to this
conflicting positions presented by Africans and Arabs at the conference that
made the British
government and the sultanate of
Nevertheless, the
appointment of a commission did not end the conflict. The debate continued in
Legislative Council
(LegCo) and among the various political parties formed after the first
on the future of
Mwambao. While African political parties;
African Democratic
Union (KADU) supported integration of the coastal strip, the Arabs formed
United Front to
further their political interests. No wonder O. S. Bassaddiq argued that the
“the coastal strip is not
a part of
Jomo Kenyatta
countered such claims by declaring that:
present nation. Any
move to separate the strip from the reminder of the colony would be
resisted without
reservation by our people.
commission received presentations from Africans and Arabs and made important
observations. First,
the autonomy of the
coastline was complicated by
Uganda, the great
lakes region,
Furthermore, the
development of the port
was financed by
loans paid by subjects of
Second, the ten
mile coastal strip was always administered as part of
have never been
marked nor observed by the British administrators.
Colonial Office:
Office, 1961), 31.
The Times of
East African
Standard, March 9, 1962. East African Standard, March 10, 1962.
The Times of
The Times of
East African
Standard, March 9, 1962.
Colonial Office:
Report of the Commissioner, presented to Parliament by Secretary of State for
Colonies by command of
Her Majesty,
December 1961.Cmnd 1585. (London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office,
1961).International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 20; December 2011
The incorporation
of the coastline into independent
its secession would
not in doubt, was
nominal, but was emotionally a fact that could not be ignored despite the
fact that the only
manifestation of
his authority was the flag which flew everywhere in the strip.
Third, it was noted
that the protectorate government continued to pay annual lease of £1700 a
year as
compensation and
therefore the British government should pay some money to compensate the
sultan for the loss
of revenue.
Fourth, the Arab
population was a minority at the coast and its autonomy would not make any
economic sense.
African in the
coastal strip had asked for integration with the rest of
Fifth, the sultan
had no objection to incorporation of the coastal strip as long as some
safeguards were put in place
to protect the
interests of the subjects, allow Islamic traditions and education to continue
and guarantee of land
titles for Arabs.
In view of the
varied presentations, Sir James Robertson recommended that:
(1) Muslim law,
religion and education should be incorporated in the Kenyan constitution,
which later
became the basis of
establishing the Kadhi’s Courts in
(2) The strip
should be integrated with
(3) Proposed
retention of Arab administrative officers; the Liwalis and Mudirs at the
coast to ensure Muslim
traditions are
(4) Recommended
that land titles should be acknowledged and guaranteed. This could be
safeguarded by
transfer of titles.
(5) He recommended
that the sultan should be paid compensation of £675,000 by the British government
agreeing to forfeit
his claim over the coastal strip. The government should also pay £400,000 for
£200,000, plus
interest loaned by the sultan after the Germans bought their section of ten
mile coastal
strip from the
sultan but the money was banked in
recommendations were presented to British Parliament by Secretary of State
for colonies (S of S) in
December 1961. The
document became part of discussion items during the second
1962.During the
conference the Queen’s Counsel Dingle Foot represented the sultan of
that the sultan’s
desire was to have an agreement that would take into consideration the
welfare of the coast
Thus, the Kenyan
leaders were required to show good will and commitment in protecting the
rights of
the sultanates
subjects so as to end fear and suspicion on the part of the Arabs. As a
demonstration of this good
will, Jomo Kenyatta
signed two agreements; one with the Prime Minister of
October, 1963. The
second agreement
was between Kenyatta the Secretary of State for Colonies, Prime minister of
sultan on 8
October, 1963.
The agreement was signed in
October, 1963 and
Kenyatta placed on record the following
undertakings by the
government of
(1) That free
exercise of any creed or religion will at all times be safeguarded and, in
particular, His
Highness’s present
subjects who are the Muslim faith and their descendants will at all times be
ensured of
complete freedom of
worship and the preservation of their own religious buildings and
(2) The
jurisdiction of Chief Kadhis will at all times be preserved and will be
extended to the determination
of questions of
Muslim law relating to personal status in the proceedings in which all
parties profess the
Muslim religion
The agreements are
presented as appendix to presentation in British Parliament by Secretary of
State for Colonies in
October 1963.
(3) The freehold
titles to land in the coast region that are already registered will at all
times be recognized,
steps will be taken
to ensure the continuation of the procedure for the registration of new
freehold titles
and rights of
freeholders will at all times be preserved save for so far as it may be
necessary to acquire
freehold land for
public purposes, in which event full and prompt compensation will be paid.
This document was
signed by Jomo Kenyatta and Mohammed Shamte, Prime Minister of
As a follow up to
this agreement, on 8
October, 1963 the
two Prime Mnisters and the Sultan of
Highness Seyyid
Jamshid bin Abdula signed a joint agreement with the S of S for Colonies
Duncan Sandays to
revoke 1890 and1895
agreements it was agreed further that:
(1) The territories
comprised in the
and shall thereupon
form part of
(2) The agreement
of 14
June 1890 in so far
as it applies to those territories and the agreement of 14
December 1895 shall
cease to have effect.
(1) The commitment
by the Prime Minister Jomo Kenyatta minimized the fears of the Arabs over
their future
stay in
the aspirations of
Africans who thought that independence would address centuries of land
by Arab settlers.
It meant that Africans would continue to be squatters. The coastal
politicians thought
that Kenyatta’s
commitment would be revoked once
intension of
revoking it. He actually became a beneficiary for managed to substantial
amount of land
within the coastal
strip and other parts of the coast. Apparently, he became like the new sultan
and spent
most of his
vacation time at the coast.
(2) Further by
accepting to recognize freehold title deeds held by a few Asians overlooked
African traditional
land tenure system.
The Miji Kenda continues to have rightful claims over certain sacred Kayas
the former ten mile
coastal strip, but have no title deeds to support their traditional claims.
tourists' hotels
and cottages have been built on some of these sacred places.
(3) Additionally,
Kenyatta recognized the concept of willing seller and willing seller.
Consequently, only
those with money
could own land within the coastal strip based on the law of supply and
demand. This
has led to
exorbitant price for land within the coastal strip especially land adjacent
to the beaches.
(4) The land that
did not have title deeds was thereafter declared trust land which the
government exploited to
settle both
politically and ethnically correct people. This policy has left many coastal
people landless
while upcountry
people own fertile land in the region. No wonder, every election year since
1990 there
have been ethnic
conflicts between the coast people and upcountry people who are referred to
as “watu
wa bara.”
(5) Admittedly, the
thirst to own land at the coast by private developers has led to grapping of
beaches which
has denied citizens
the right to enjoy and have access to these natural resources. In normal
the beaches should
have been retained as public recreational areas like
being exclusive
areas for tourists.
(6) It is equally
disheartening to observe that international agreements which did not
recognize the rights of
the Africans have
continued to affect the Kenyan people fifty years after independence. There
is need to
re-examine all
colonial agreements to address adequately historical injustices. The
government should
come up with a land
policy that would address these historical injustices without creating new
ones. The
policy should
address land use, protection of wetlands and environment in general for the
From the fore going
discussion it is apparent that the question of historical injustices is a
very complex matter. It
is noted that the
land question at the coast pre dates British colonization. The British
accepted the status quo and
also the post
colonial regimes. However, Africans at the coast still feel that their land
rights have been ignored all
this time. On the
other hand, the Arabs who have freehold title deeds have been in the area for
a long time and are
citizens of this
country. The solution to the problem is not to ignore it, but to accept that it
is there and should be
sorted out. The
remedy is to identify first the land owned by absentee landlords.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 20; December 2011
Then the government
should repossess such land and distribute it to deserving squatters who have
been living and
working on such
land for a long time.
Secondly, all the
idle land or the one kept for speculative purposes should be repossessed and
distributed to the
only the people
willing to develop it for the well being of the people of
all parts of the
country. Before land title is granted there should be a development plan to
prove that the applicant
would adequately develop
Third, land already
conserved as kayas and other areas of public interest should be gazetted as
monuments and
protected to thwart foreign hunger for land to construct tourist hotels and
Finally, the
problem faced by people in coast province is failure by the government to
review some draconian
colonial agreements
that do not serve the welfare of the people of
to put its foot
down to address land situation in the country for the benefit of all
inhabitants. It should be
emphasized that it
is not a must that every individual should have a share of a small piece of
land. It is the high
time that Kenyans
considered land planning and utilization seriously.
The above documents
are proves of defining moments in history of Kenya and how agreements involving
the Sultan of Zanzibar, president Kenyatta and the British colonialists signed
an agreement releasing the 10-mile coastal strip from Zanzibar to Kenya.
In a new twist of
events, it is ironical that those calling for secession are not the original
coastal Arabs but African coastal tribes like the Digo that migrated to the
BLOG STAND: we agree
with MRC that indeed coast province has been marginalized and sidelined for a
very longtime. Being the second highest income earner province after Nairobi , the region has some of the poorest districts in Kenya . In the
recent released national exam results (KCPE), coast province came in last.
These are genuine grievances and there are right channels to address them but
calling for secession is misdirected and can call for criminal acts.
In one of the
documents signed by the Kaya elders of the Mijikenda, they declared their
allegiance to citizens of Kenya
and that they did not wish a Katanga
repeat in the coast.
Lessons from Katanga and Biafra …
The Nigerian Civil War,
also known as the Nigerian-Biafran
War, 6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970, was a political conflict caused by the
attemptedsecession of the southeastern provinces of Nigeria as the self-proclaimedRepublic of Biafra. The conflict was the result of economic,
ethnic, cultural and religious tensions among the various peoples of Nigeria
As with many other African nations, Nigeria was an artificial structure initiated
by former colonial powers which had neglected to consider religious,
linguistic, and ethnic differences.[5] Nigeria ,
which gained independence from Britain in 1960, had at that time a population
of 60 million people consisting of nearly 300 differing ethnic and cultural
The causes of the Nigerian civil war were
diverse although, in his memoir, journalist Alex Mitchell blames
"involvement of the British, Dutch, French and Italian oil companies whose
battle for the rich Nigerian oilfields started the civil war and kept it
More than fifty years earlier, Great Britain carved an area out of West Africa
containing hundreds of different ethnic groups and unified it, calling it Nigeria .
Although the area contained many different groups, the three predominant groups
were the Igbo,
which formed between 60–70% of the population in the southeast, the Hausa-Fulani,
which formed about 65% of the peoples in the northern part of the territory;
the Yoruba,
which formed about 75% of the population in the southwestern part.[citation needed]
The semi-feudal and Islamic Hausa-Fulani in the
North were traditionally ruled by an autocratic, conservative Islamic hierarchy
consisting of Emirs who, in turn, owed their allegiance to
a supreme Sultan. This
Sultan was regarded as the source of all political power and religious
The Yoruba political system in the southwest,
like that of the Hausa-Fulani, also consisted of a series of monarchs being the Oba.
The Yoruba monarchs, however, were less autocratic than those in the North, and
the political and social system of the Yoruba accordingly allowed for greater
upward mobility based on acquired rather than inherited wealth and title.
The Igbo in the southeast, in contrast to the
two other groups, lived mostly in mostly autonomous, democratically organised
communities although there were monarchs in many of these ancient cities such
as the Kingdom of Nri,
which in its zenith controlled most of Igbo land, including influence on the Anioma people, Arochukwu which controlled slavery in Igbo land
and Onitsha.
Unlike the other two regions, decisions among the Igbo were made by a general
assembly in which men could participate.[7]
The differing political systems among these
three peoples reflected and produced divergent customs and values. The
Hausa-Fulani commoners, having contact with the political system only through
their village head who was designated by the Emir or one of his subordinates,
did not view political leaders as amenable to influence. Political decisions
were to be submitted to. As in every highly authoritarian religious and
political system leadership positions were taken by persons willing to be
subservient and loyal to superiors. A chief function of this political system
was to maintain Islamic and conservative values, which caused many Hausa-Fulani
to view economic and social innovation as subversive or sacrilegious.
In contrast to the Hausa-Fulani, the Igbo often
participated directly in the decisions which affected their lives. They had a
lively awareness of the political system and regarded it as an instrument for
achieving their own personal goals. Status was acquired through the ability to
arbitrate disputes that might arise in the village, and through acquiring
rather than inheriting wealth. With their emphasis upon social achievement and
political participation, the Igbo adapted to and challenged colonial rule in
innovative ways.
These tradition-derived differences were
perpetuated and, perhaps, even enhanced by the British system of colonial rule
in Nigeria .
In the North, the British found it convenient to rule indirectly through the Emirs, thus perpetuating
rather than changing the indigenous authoritarian political system. As a
concomitant of this system, Christian missionaries were excluded from the North, and the
area thus remained virtually closed to European cultural imperialism, in
contrast to the Igbo, the richest of whom sent many of their sons to British
universities. During the ensuing years, the Northern Emirs thus were able to
maintain traditional political and religious institutions, while reinforcing
their social structure. In this division, the North, at the time of
independence in 1960, was by far the most underdeveloped area in Nigeria , with a
literacy rate of 2% as compared to 19.2% in the East (literacy in Arabic script,
learned in connection with religious education, was higher). The West enjoyed a
much higher literacy level, being the first part of the country to have contact
with western education in addition to the free primary education program of the
pre-independence Western Regional Government.[8]
In the South, the missionaries rapidly
introduced Western forms of education. Consequently, the Yoruba were the first
group in Nigeria
to adopt Western bureaucratic social norms and they provided the first African
civil servants, doctors, lawyers, and other technicians and professionals.
In Igbo areas, missionaries were introduced at a
later date because of British difficulty in
establishing firm control over
the highly autonomous Igbo communities. (Audrey Chapman, “Civil War in
Nigeria,” Midstream, Feb 1968). However, the Igbo people took to Western
education actively, and they overwhelmingly came to adopt Christianity.
Population pressure in the Igbo homeland combined with aspirations for monetary
wages drove thousands of Igbo to other parts of Nigeria in search of work. By the
1960s Igbo political culture was more unified and the region relatively
prosperous, with tradesmen and literate elites active not just in the
traditionally Igbo South, but throughout Nigeria .[9]
The British colonial ideology that divided Nigeria into three regions North, West and East
exacerbated the already well-developed economic, political, and social
differences among Nigeria 's
different ethnic groups. It has been described as a "deliberate ethnic and
religious gerrymander to keep the nation weak, unstable and
open to the plunder of its vast oil reserves by UK companies, led by British Petroleum (BP)".[6] The country was divided in such a way
that the North had slightly more population than the other two regions
combined. On this basis the Northern Region was allocated a majority of the
seats in the Federal Legislature established by the colonial authorities.
Within each of the three regions the dominant ethnic groups; the Hausa-Fulani,
Yoruba, and Igbo respectively formed political parties that were largely
regional and based on ethnic allegiances: the Northern People's Congress (NPC)
in the North; the Action Group in the West (AG): and the National Conference of
Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) in the East. These parties were not
exclusively homogeneous in terms of their ethnic or regional make-up; the
disintegration of Nigeria
resulted largely from the fact that these parties were primarily based in one
region and one tribe. To simplify matters, we will refer to them here as the
Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo-based; or Northern, Western and Eastern parties.
During the 1940s and 1950s the Igbo and Yoruba parties were in the forefront of the
fight for independence from Britain .
They also wanted an independent Nigeria
to be organised into several small states so that the conservative North could
not dominate the country. Northern leaders, however, fearful that independence
would mean political and economic domination by the more Westernized elites in
the South, preferred the perpetuation of British rule. As a condition for
accepting independence, they demanded that the country continue to be divided
into three regions with the North having a clear majority. Igbo and Yoruba
leaders, anxious to obtain an independent country at all costs, accepted the
Northern demands.
On 15 January 1966, Major Kaduna Nzeogwu and other junior Army officers (mostly
majors and captains) attempted a coup d'état. It was generally speculated that
the coup had been initiated by the Igbos, and for their own primary benefit,
because of the ethnicity of those that were killed. The two major political
leaders of the north, The prime Minister, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and The
Premier of the northern region, Sir Ahmadu Bello were executed by Major
Nzeogwu. Also murdered was Sir Ahmadu Bello's wife. Meanwhile, the President,
Sir Nnamdi Azikiwe, an Igbo, was on an extended vacation in the West Indies . He did not return until days after the coup.
However, evidence exists to the contrary. For example, the coup was not only
generally applauded in the Northern region, it was most successful there. The
fact that only one Igbo officer, Lt Col Arthur Unegbe, was killed can be
attributed to the mere fact that the officers in charge of implementing
Nzeogwu's plans in the East were incompetent. The coup, also referred to as
"The Coup of the Five Majors", has been described in some quarters as
Nigeria 's
only revolutionary coup.[10] This was the first coup in the short
life of Nigeria 's
nascent 2nd democracy. Claims of electoral fraud was one of the reasons given
by the coup plotters. This coup resulted in General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi, an Igbo and head of the Nigerian Army,
taking power as President, becoming the first military head of state in Nigeria .
The coup d'état itself failed, as Ironsi rallied
the military against the plotters. But Ironsi did not bring the failed plotters
to trial as requested by military law and as advised by most northern and
western officers. Ironsi then instituted military rule, by subverting the
constitutional succession and alleging that the democratic institutions had
failed and that, while he was defending them, they clearly needed revision and
clean-up before reversion back to democratic rule. The coup, despite its
failure, was wrongly perceived as having benefited mostly the Igbo because most of the known coup
plotters were Igbo. However Ironsi, himself an Igbo, was thought to have made
numerous attempts to please Northerners. The other event that also fuelled the
so called "Igbo conspiracy" was the killing of Northern leaders, and
the killing of the Colonel Shodeinde's pregnant wife by the coup executioners.
Despite the overwhelming contradictions of the coup being executed by mostly
Northern soldiers (such as John Atom Kpera later military governor of Benue State),
the killing of Igbo soldier Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Unegbe by coup
executioners, and Ironsi's termination of an Igbo-led coup, the ease by which
Ironsi stopped the coup led to suspicion that the Igbo coup plotters planned
all along to pave the way for Ironsi to take the reins of power in Nigeria. It
also ignored the fact that the army was largely composed of Northerners at the
private level, but Igbo at the officer level, and thus promotions would have to
draw upon a large body of Igbo officers. As the officer corps of the army was
dominated by the Igbos logic would have had it that mainly Igbo officers could
have been killed in the coup if there wasn't an "igbo Conspiracy". On
the contrary, the murdered victims of this coup were mainly northerners. The
reason for this coup has never been made clear. If it was a revolutionary coup
as some have claimed why were the prime minister and premier of the north
killed? It has been proven that they both died with less than ten pounds in
their respective personal accounts and with one village home each to their
names. This was a young country trying to find its way and that way was
abruptly scuttled by overzealous army officers numbering above twenty.
On 29 July 1966, the Northerners executed a counter-coup. This coup was
led by Lt. Col. Murtala Mohammed. It placed Lt.
Gowon into power. Gowon was chosen as a
compromise candidate. He was a Northerner, a Christian, from a minority tribe,
and had a good reputation within the army. Ethnic tensions due to the coup and
counter-coup increased and the sequels to the mass pogroms in May 1966 repeated
later the same year in July and September known as the large-scale
massacres of Christian Ibo living in the Muslim north.
The military governor of the Igbo-dominated
southeast, Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu, citing the northern
massacres and electoral fraud, proclaimed with southern parliament the
secession of the south-eastern region from Nigeria
as the Republic
of Biafra,
an independent nation on 30 May 1967. Although the very young nation had a
chronic shortage of weapons to go to war, it was determined to defend itself.
There was much sympathy in Europe and
elsewhere yet only five countries[who?] recognised the new republic.
Several peace accords especially the one held at Aburi, Ghana (the Aburi Accord)
collapsed and the shooting war soon followed. Ojukwu managed at Aburi to get
agreement to a confederation for Nigeria , rather than a federation.
He was warned by his advisers that this reflected a failure of Gowon to
understand the difference and, that being the case, predicted that it would be
reneged upon. When this happened, Ojukwu regarded it as both a failure by Gowon
to keep to the spirit of the Aburi agreement, and lack of integrity on the side
of Nigeria Military Government in the negotiations toward a united Nigeria .
Gowon's advisers, to the contrary, felt that he had enacted as much as was
politically feasible in fulfilment of the spirit of Aburi.[11] The Eastern region was very ill
equipped for war, outmanned and outgunned by the Nigerians. Their advantages
included fighting in their homeland, support of most Easterners, determination,
and use of limited resources. The British and Soviet Union supported (especially militarily) the
Nigerian government while Canada
and France
helped the Biafrans. The United
States seemed to be neutral but helped the
Biafrans through the Red Cross.
he Nigerian government launched a "police
action" to retake the secessionist territory. The war began on 6 July
1967 when Nigerian Federal troops advanced in two columns into Biafra . The Nigerian army offensive was through the north
of Biafra led by Colonel Shuwa and the local
military units were formed as the 1st Infantry Division. The division was
led mostly by northern officers. After facing unexpectedly fierce resistance
and high casualties, the right-hand Nigerian column advanced on the town of Nsukka which fell on 14 July, while the left-hand column made
for Garkem, which was captured on 12 July. At this stage of the war, the other
regions of Nigeria
(the West and Mid-West) still considered the war as a confrontation between the
north (mainly Hausas) against the east (mainly Igbos)[citation needed]. But the Biafrans
responded with an offensive of their own when, on 9 August, the Biafran forces
moved west into the Mid-Western Nigerian region across the Niger river, passing
through Benin
until they were stopped at Ore (in present day Ondo
State) just over the state boundary on 21 August, just 130 miles east of the
Nigerian capital of Lagos. The Biafran
attack was led by Lt. Col. Banjo, a Yoruba, with the Biafran rank of brigadier.
The attack met little resistance and the Mid-West was easily taken over. This
was due to the pre-secession arrangement that all soldiers should return to
their regions to stop the spate of killings, in which Igbo soldiers had been
major victims.[8][12] The Nigerian soldiers that were supposed to defend the
Mid-West state were mostly Mid-West Igbo and while some were in touch with
their eastern counterparts, others resisted. General Gowon responded by asking
ColonelMurtala Mohammed (who later became head of state in 1975) to form
another division (the 2nd Infantry Division) to expel the
Biafrans from the Mid-West, as well as defend the West side and attack Biafra
from the West as well. As Nigerian forces retook the Mid-West, the Biafran
military administrator declared the Republic of Benin on 19 September.
Although Benin City
was retaken by the Nigerians on 22 September, the Biafrans succeeded in their
primary objective by tying down as many Nigerian Federal troops as much as they
could. Gen. Gowon also launched an offensive into Biafra south from the Niger Delta to the riverine area using the bulk of the Lagos
Garrison command under Colonel Benjamin Adekunle (called the Black Scorpion) to form the 3rd Infantry Division (which was later renamed as the 3rd Marine Commando).
As the war continued, the Nigerian Army recruited amongst a wider area,
including the Yoruba, Itshekiri,
Urhobo, Edo , Ijaw, and etc. Four battalions of
the Nigerian 2nd Infantry Division were needed to drive the Biafrans back and
eliminate their territorial gains made during the offensive. The Nigerians were
repulsed three times as they attempted to cross the River Niger during October, resulting in the loss of thousands of
troops, dozens of tanks and equipment. The first attempt by the 2nd Infantry
Division on 12 October to cross the Niger
from the town of Asaba to the Biafran city of Onitsha cost the Nigerian
Federal Army over 5,000 soldiers killed, wounded, captured or missing.
From 1968 onward, the war fell into a form of stalemate, with Nigerian
forces unable to make significant advances into the remaining areas of Biafran
control due to stiff resistance and major defeats in Abagana, Arochukwu, Oguta, Umuahia (Operation OAU), Onne, Ikot Ekpene, and etc.[13] But another Nigerian offensive from April to June 1968
began to close the ring around the Biafrans with further advances on the two
northern fronts and the capture of Port Harcourt on 19 May 1968. The blockade of the surrounded Biafrans
led to a humanitarian disaster when it emerged that there was widespread
civilian hunger and starvation in the besieged Igbo areas. The Biafran
government claimed that Nigeria
was using hunger and genocide to win the war, and sought aid from the outside
world. A Nigerian commission, including British doctors from the Liverpool University School of
Tropical Medicine, visited Biafra after the war[14] and concluded that the evidence of deliberate
starvation was overplayed, caused by confusion between the symptoms of
starvation and various tropical illnesses. They did not doubt that starvation
had occurred, but were unsurprisingly not clear of the extent to which it was a
result of the Nigerian blockade or the restriction of food to the civilians by
the Biafran government[11]
Many volunteer bodies organised
blockade-breaking relief flights into Biafra ,
carrying food, medicines, and sometimes (according to some claims) weapons.[15] More common was the claim that the
arms-carrying aircraft would closely shadow aid aircraft, making it more
difficult to distinguish between aid aircraft and military supply aircraft.[15] It has been argued that by prolonging
the war the Biafran relief effort (characterised by Canadian development
consultant Ian Smillie as "an act of unfortunate and profound
folly"), contributed to the deaths of as many as 180,000 civilians.[16]
In response to the Nigerian government using
foreigners to lead some advances, the Biafran government also began hiring
foreign mercenaries to extend the war.[citation needed] Only German born Rolf Steiner a Lt. Col. with the 4th Commandos, and
Major Taffy Williams,
a Welshman would remain for the duration.[17] Nigeria also used 'mercenaries', in
the form of Egyptian pilots for their air force MiG 17 fighters and Il 28 bombers. The Egyptians conscripts
frequently attacked civilian rather than military targets, bombing numerous Red
Cross shelters.[15]
Bernard Kouchner was one of a number of French doctors
who volunteered with the French Red Cross to work in hospitals and feeding
centres in besieged Biafra . The Red Cross
required volunteers to sign an agreement, which was seen by some (like Kouchner
and his supporters) as being similar to a gag order,
that was designed to maintain the organisation's neutrality, whatever the
circumstances. Kouchner and the other French doctors signed this agreement.
After entering the country, the volunteers, in
addition to Biafran health workers and hospitals, were subjected to attacks by
the Nigerian army, and witnessed civilians being murdered and starved by the
blockading forces. Kouchner also witnessed these events, particularly the huge
number of starving children, and when he returned to France , he publicly criticised the
Nigerian government and the Red Cross for their seemingly complicit behaviour.
With the help of other French doctors, Kouchner put Biafra
in the media spotlight and called for an international response to the
situation. These doctors, led by Kouchner, concluded that a new aid
organisation was needed that would ignore political/religious boundaries and
prioritise the welfare of victims. They created Médecins Sans Frontières in 1971 (Doctors Without Borders).[18]
In September 1968, the federal army planned what
Gowon described as the "final offensive." Initially the final
offensive was neutralised by Biafran troops by the end of the year after
several Nigerian troops were routed in Biafran ambushes. In the latter stages,
a Southern FMG offensive managed to break
through. However in 1969, the Biafrans launched several offensives against the
Nigerians in their attempts to keep the Nigerians off-balance starting in March
when the 14th Division of the Biafran army recaptured Owerri and moved towards Port Harcourt , but were halted just north of
the city. In May 1969, Biafran commandos recaptured oil wells in Kwale. In July
1969, Biafran forces launched a major land offensive supported by foreign mercenary pilots continuing to fly in food,
medical supplies and weapons. Most notable of the mercenaries was Swedish Count Carl Gustav von Rosen who led air attacks with five Malmö MFI-9MiniCOIN
small piston-engined aircraft, armed with rocket pods and machine guns. His BAF
(Biafran Air Force) consisted of three Swedes, two Biafrans and an ex-RCAF
pilot. From 22 May to 8 July 1969 von Rosen's small force attacked Nigerian
military airfields in Port Harcourt, Enugu, Benin City and Ughelli, destroying
or damaging a number of Nigerian Air Force jets used to attack relief flights,
including a few Mig-17's and three out of Nigeria's six Ilyushin Il-28 bombers
that were used to bomb Biafran villages and farms on a daily basis. Although
the Biafran offensives of 1969 were a tactical success, the Nigerians soon recovered.
The Biafran air attacks did disrupt the combat operations of the Nigerian Air
Force, but only for a few months.
One of the interesting characters assisting
Count Carl Gustav von Rosen was Lynn Garrison,
an ex-RCAF fighter pilot. He introduced the Count to a Canadian method of
dropping bagged supplies to remote areas in Canada without losing the contents.
He showed how one sack of food could be placed inside a larger sack before the
supply drop. When the package hit the ground the inner sack would rupture while
the outer one kept the contents intact. With this method many tons of food were
dropped to many Biafrans who would otherwise have died of starvation.
With increased British support, the Nigerian federal
forces launched their final offensive against the Biafrans once again on 23
December 1969 with a major thrust by the 3rd Marine Commando Division (the
division was commanded by Col. Obasanjo (who later became president twice)
which succeeded in splitting the Biafran enclave into two by the end of the
year. The final Nigerian offensive, named "Operation Tail-Wind", was
launched on 7 January 1970 with the 3rd Marine Commando Division attacking, and
supported by the 1st Infantry division to the north and the 2nd Infantry
division to the south. The Biafran town of Owerri fell on 9 January, and Uli fell on 11
January. Only a few days earlier, Ojukwu fled into exile by flying by plane to
the republic of Côte d'Ivoire,
leaving his deputy Philip Effiong to handle the details of the
surrender to General Yakubu Gowon of the federal army on 13 January
1970. The war finally ended a few days later with the Nigerian forces
advancing in the remaining Biafran held territories with little opposition.
After the war Gowon said, "The tragic chapter of
violence is just ended. We are at the dawn of national reconciliation. Once again
we have an opportunity to build a new nation. My dear compatriots, we must pay
homage to the fallen, to the heroes who have made the supreme sacrifice that we
may be able to build a nation, great in justice, fair trade, and
The war cost the Igbos a great deal in terms of lives, money and infrastructure. It has been estimated that up to three million people may have died due to the conflict, most from hunger and disease.[20] Reconstruction, helped by the oil money, was swift; however, the old ethnic and religious tensions remained a constant feature of Nigerian politics. Accusations were made of Nigerian government officials diverting resources meant for reconstruction in the former Biafran areas to their ethnic areas. Military government continued in power inNigeria for
many years, and people in the oil-producing areas claimed they were being
denied a fair share of oil revenues.[21]Laws
were passed mandating that political parties could not be ethnically or
tribally based; however, it has been hard to make this work in practice.
The war cost the Igbos a great deal in terms of lives, money and infrastructure. It has been estimated that up to three million people may have died due to the conflict, most from hunger and disease.[20] Reconstruction, helped by the oil money, was swift; however, the old ethnic and religious tensions remained a constant feature of Nigerian politics. Accusations were made of Nigerian government officials diverting resources meant for reconstruction in the former Biafran areas to their ethnic areas. Military government continued in power in
Igbos who ran for their lives during the pogroms
and war returned to find their positions had been taken over; and when the war
was over the government did not feel any need to re-instate them, preferring to
regard them as having resigned. This reasoning was also extended to Igbo owned
properties and houses. People from other regions were quick to take over any
house owned by an Igbo, especially in the Port
Harcourt area. The Nigerian Government justified this
by terming such properties abandoned. This, however, has led to a feeling of an
injustice as the Nigerian government policies were seen as further economically
disabling the Igbos even long after the war. Further feelings of injustice were
caused by Nigeria, changing its currency so that Biafran supplies of pre-war
Nigerian currency were no longer honoured, at the end of the war, only N£20 was
given to any easterner despite what ever amount of money he or she had in the
bank. This was applied irrespective of their banking in pre-war Nigerian
currency or Biafran currency. This was seen as a deliberate policy to hold back
the Igbo middle class, leaving them with little wealth to expand their business
On Monday 29 May 2000, The Guardian (Nigeria) reported that President Olusegun
Obasanjo commuted to
retirement the dismissal of all military persons who fought for the breakaway
state of Biafra during the Nigerian civil war.
In a national broadcast, he said that the decision was based on the principle
that "justice must at all times be tempered with mercy."
On 11 July 1960, with the support of Belgian
business interests and over 6000 Belgian troops, the province of Katanga in
the southeast declared independence as the State of Katanga under the leadership of Moise Tshombe,
leader of the local CONAKAT party. Tshombe was known to be close
to the Belgian industrial companies which mined the rich resources of copper, gold and uranium.
Katanga was one of the
richest and most developed areas of the Congo . Without Katanga , Congo would lose a large part of
its mineral assets and consequently government income.[20]
In defense of the decision to declare
independence, Tshombe said Katanga
was "seceding from chaos". In particular Tshombe believed if he
allowed the mutinous ANC to enter it would result in lawlessness and bloodshed.
With Belgian assistance theKatanga Gendarmerie was created as an effective military
force. At the core of the Katangese forces were several hundred European mercenaries many of which were recruited in Belgium .[21]
Almost from the beginning, the new state faced a
rebellion in the north in Luba areas. This was led by a political
party called Association of
the Luba People of Katanga(BALUBAKAT). In January 1961, Katanga faced a secession crisis of its own when
BALUBAKAT leaders declared independence from Katanga . Throughout the period of
the secession, Katangese forces were never able to completely control the
Source: wikipedia