Friday, August 10, 2012

Kenya's goodwill messages to Rudisha

Rudisha smashes his world record in 800m



kiptoo paul10 August 2012 11:44 AMyou really made us proud. god bless you

O'Qape10 August 2012 10:19 AMCongratulation for bringing delightment as well as being an inspiration to millions worldwide! God bless you!

sammyy10 August 2012 9:44 AMin spite of what you what you have done for us please don't head where wanjiru headed.kula mali yako pole pole. usiharakishe na wachana na warembo mingi i wish you the best bro

Veronica10 August 2012 9:12 AMcongrats!!!! i had faith in you Rudisha, Rudisha hizo Gold zote kabla ya kurudi Kenya.Be blessed for making our country proud.WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!.


#Ondieki10 August 2012 8:48 AMYour a real hero.Congrats n Thank you for bringing it where it rightfully belongs!Congrats again

Farhiya Ibrahim10 August 2012 8:44 AMwhat a world breaking record!you made us proud, continue the spirit,naujivunie kuwa mkenya!Asante sana and God bless you...

BERNARD KITUR10 August 2012 8:41 AMMay the Almighty God bless, keep and protect Rudisha, for he has uplifted the name of his motherland!

Mwaura10 August 2012 8:24 AMYou reminded everyone how a Kenyan should run a race. That was blistering. Please groom the young man Kitum so that he ably represents you when you are not competing.

paul kiplagat10 August 2012 8:10 AMwe done Rudisha

VioAnne10 August 2012 8:01 AMCongratulations! And if a lady named Triza/Teresa/Teresia shows up on your horizon, RUN DAVEY, RUN to break all other previously held world records!

Wangunyu10 August 2012 7:51 AMRudisha you are the best of the best, maximum respect for the mighty win. You made us so proud. Wish you the best . God bless.

Atsango s10 August 2012 7:48 AMRudisha the pearl of Kenya. As a captain you proofed it. We are proud of you.

mkenya10 August 2012 5:17 AMGod bless you Rudisha, kwa kurudisha imani yetu.

Job well done10 August 2012 2:54 AMWell done brother you have done us proud. I also acknowledge Kitum for your hard work. I woke up at 5 am from the other side of the world to watch you run. Rudisha you have worked hard and you have shown it and you expressed that on your interview with the Australian television. Next time you come for training just say hallo to us. I just wish we were all united like our athletes.

flora wanjala10 August 2012 2:24 AM[MOBILE] i have missed the national anthem, as your name says Rudisha God be with you

Jay10 August 2012 1:26 AMYour performance was so inspiring to watch. And you are so humble. Congratulations on your success at the Olympics. A definite inspiration.

Equatorial Eye10 August 2012 1:02 AMOur next project is to take on Bolt and break his WR..courtesy of our boy Rudisha.

Hilary Limo9 August 2012 11:59 PMThank you Rudisha, you made us proud. Umerudisha ushindi and would like to congraculate Timothy Kitum for outstanding performance

tiggertiggy9 August 2012 11:56 PMwelldone rudisha. we are so proud of you. pewa tarino mbili, naja kulipa



Petty9 August 2012 10:36 PMAs we have been all praying for you,now we have seen you have made us proud Rudisha.............lots an lots of love from us..................we are proud of you

BREAKING NEWS: 11 Kenyans perish in Tanga accident


Updated 6 hrs 31 mins ago
By Cyrus Ombati
At least 11 Kenyans were killed following an accident involving their bus in Tanga, Tanzania.
Tanzanian Police say at least 40 others were injured in the accident that happened in Mandere area after a lorry hit a stationary bus and overturned on the victims near a bridge.
The majority of the victims are women members of a church from Thika and they were headed to Dar-es-Salaam for a meeting when the incident happened Friday morning.
The women from PCEA church in Thika were in two buses headed for the Tanzanian capital when the accident occurred.
The injured were rushed to a local hospital. Witnesses and survivors said the first bus had skidded  off the road that prompted the occupants of the second one to stop behind it in a bid to help rescue colleagues.
“It was as they were trying to help the other bus that a speeding lorry hit the other stationary one forcing it to land on the group that was trying to save their colleagues near a bridge,” said a witness.
Police on the ground said the number of the dead may go up as there were many other people trapped under the bus.
Efforts to save the trapped were ongoing by press time.
A survivor, Hellen Kamau said they were 84 passengers in both buses and about 40 were injured in the accident.
“I did not want to see the accident because it was bad. We are now somewhere between Dar-es-Salaam and Tanga but some of our members are dead,” Ms Kamau told the Standard Digital on the phone.
Police on the ground said the number of the dead may go up as there were many other people trapped under the bus.
Efforts to save the trapped were ongoing.
Kenyan police said preliminary findings showed there were about 80 members of the church who were headed for the event in the two buses.

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shannel10 August 2012 1:54 PMMay gods Grace fill over the hearts of the victims,,,,This is so sad

Ruth10 August 2012 1:48 PMMay God give the grieved families peace of God that surpasses human understanding

james gitau10 August 2012 1:35 PMwe are very sorry to receive this story as we wait it to unfold. God have mercy.

Florence10 August 2012 1:31 PMMay the Lord God grant the family of the desist peace. For sure God will be visiting you to take care of you and weep you tears. He is the prince of peace.

waceke10 August 2012 1:03 PMWatching a peaceful death of a human being reminds us of a falling star; one of a million lights in a vast sky that flares up for a brief moment only to disappear into the endless night forever. poleni sana sana.

clyn10 August 2012 12:42 PMMay God's will be done.

Tabby10 August 2012 12:31 PMMay God RIP and for the survivors may you have strength and to the families may you take heart...

Grace10 August 2012 12:26 PMPraying for those who were in the accident. This is so sad.

Esther10 August 2012 12:26 PMChristians and intercessors in Kenya, we have no choice but to heed God's call in 2Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land". God have mercy on us in Jesus' Name I pray. AMEN.

Esther10 August 2012 12:23 PMChristians and intercessors in Kenya, we have no choice but to heed God's call in 2Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land". God have mercy on us in Jesus' Name I pray. AMEN.

PNguli10 August 2012 12:17 PMIts time to pray...August is well known for its notorious deaths, spiritually satan is very active this month, so pray and bind his powers.

hellen10 August 2012 12:16 PMOh God no!

Segeyian10 August 2012 12:14 PMA very sad Friday morning for our dear mothers. But may the Lord be with each family at this most trying and difficult time. May the Lord give each of them peace that surpasses all human understanding. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Baronny10 August 2012 11:48 AM"Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him."-1 Thessalonians 4 WHAT AN UNFORTUNATE TRAGEDY-condolences to the families, church, friends and the whole country in general.

moses10 August 2012 11:44 AM"Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him."-1 Thessalonians 4 MANY CONDOLENCES TO THE BELIEVED FAMILIES, CHURCH, FRIENDS AND THE WHOLE NATION IN GENERAL.

Julia10 August 2012 11:38 AMThe Lord is the One who goes before you. He will be with you. \\he will not leave you nor forsake you, do not fear nor be dismayed. Deute 31:8

muragu10 August 2012 11:13 AMGod we exalt you for saving our sister during this accident. Our prayers are with all who lost loved ones.

ruth10 August 2012 11:02 AMOur dear mums, we are shocked beyond words......may God comfort us all........

Ruth10 August 2012 11:00 AMOur dear neighbours, our mothers, our sisters, our friends, our colleagues, may God rest your souls in eternal peace and comfort those who remain.

Sheila10 August 2012 10:56 AMit's so sad, my God be with them all. our mothers our prayers are with you.

Mary10 August 2012 10:25 AMthat's so sad. My God what is happening to Kenya? our prayers are with you ladies.

Opiyo Vet10 August 2012 8:12 AM[MOBILE] Lord console the families of the departed souls.

Izoh10 August 2012 8:03 AM[MOBILE] What a Friday morning....

David Rudisha's Olympics & world record 800m win 'unbelievable'

from the BBC:

David Rudisha

The world may have tuned in to see Usain Bolt on Thursday, but they also saw another athlete guarantee his place in Olympic history.

Bolt took all the headlines with his stunning 200m gold, but it was the quiet and unassuming David Rudisha who became the first man to break a world record at the London Games with an equally brilliant performance in the 800m.
The 23-year-old Kenyan may have entered the Olympic Stadium under the radar of many this week, but he showed just why he was labelled by Lord Coe as "probably on paper the most impressive track and field athlete at these Games" as he broke his own world record.
He also became the first man to run inside one minute 41 seconds, clocking 1:40.91.
Former Olympic medallist and BBC commentator Steve Cram was in no doubt about the quality of Rudisha's display in a race which saw seven of the eight runners set personal bests.
Such was the pace of the race that British runner Andrew Osagie - who finished last - set a new best of 1:43.77, a time which would have won him gold in Beijing, Athens and Sydney.
Cram said: "Simply unbelievable! That's the greatest ever 800m race anyone has ever run or that I have ever seen.
"What a privilege to be here. He was all on his own. How do you put that into words?
"David Rudisha is the Olympic champion. He talked a lot about putting on a show in these Olympics and he has just done that."
And Brendan Foster, Olympic bronze medallist and BBC commentator, said: "What a brilliant runner. He's the athlete that everyone admires."
In his short career, Rudisha has set the three fastest 800m times of all time and managed six of the fastest eight ever.
But before he smashed the record twice in a week at the age of 21, the 800m world record had historically not been an easy record to break.
The time of 1:41.73 set by London Games chief Coe in 1981 stood for more than 16 years before it was matched - and then improved - by Kenyan-born Dane, Wilson Kipketer.
He and Rudisha remain the only men ever to better Coe's figures, while 18-year-old Nijel Amos matched Coe's 31-year-old time in taking silver behind Rudisha in London.
Rudisha missed out on the Beijing Games through injury and revealed after his gold medal ceremony that he and his coach had meticulously plotted his path to the top after that setback.
"Sometimes when you get disappointment it makes you stronger," he said.
I was still young when I missed Beijing. I was favourite to win a medal but I knew I had time. My coach advised me to stay at school and finish my exams. Even if I had gone and won the Olympics, I might not have handled the pressure. So I moved on.
"I missed the final of the World Championships in 2009, but I told the coach I would break the world record in 2010. Which I did.
"Then in 2011 I won the World Championships and now in 2012 it is the Olympics. That is how I have been working."
Perhaps more ominously for the rest of the world was his revelation that he only started learning about sport in 2002.
After 10 years, he has picked it up fairly well. Let's see what he can do in Rio.

Fastest 800m runs in history

  • David Rudisha: 1:40.91
  • David Rudisha: 1:41.01
  • David Rudisha: 1:41.09
  • Wilson Kipketer: 1:41.11
  • Wilson Kipketer: 1:41.24


"That was a fantastic run by David Rudisha. What a brilliant runner. He's the athlete that everyone admires. He's trained by an Irish priest and managed by an Australian and lives in Germany. He's the pride of the stadium here."

David Rudisha

  • Born: 17 December 1988
  • Medals: 800m Olympic champion 2012; 800m world champion 2011; African 800m champion 2008, 2010; 800m world junior champion 2006
  • 800m personal best: 1:40.91 (world record)
  • 400m PB: 45.50 seconds

Usain Bolt Soccer Tryout: Sprinter Getting A Shot With Manchester United


Usain Bolt Soccer Tryout: Sprinter Gets A Shot With Manchester United

Usain Bolt has conquered the track world, and now the Jamaican sprinter is looking to fulfill another athletic ambition — a soccer tryout with the Manchester United.

The English Premier League soccer club is giving Bolt a “tryout” after the sprinter discussed his love for soccer, Yahoo! Sports reported. Though Usain Bolt’s soccer tryout is more public relations than anything, the sprinter has insisted that he has the physical tools to make it as a professional footballer.
Usain Bolt’s soccer boasts caught the attention of the Manchester United brass, who invited Bolt to the team’s training facilities near Manchester, a source told Yahoo! Sports.
“Just like everyone else, the players are huge fans of Bolt and have massive respect for him,” the source said. “We would love to have him along. After he spoke about the club after the most-watched race in the world, it makes perfect sense.
“We would welcome him with open arms, and it would certainly make all the boys and the coaching staff pretty excited to meet him and see his skills. They would love to see what he has got with the ball.”
Even if Bolt is a long-shot to make the team, a few well-placed pictures of him jogging around the team’s pitch in Manchester United gear could go a long way for the already popular club. Usain Bolt’s soccer tryout would also be a boost to the team’s players.
“Think about it,” the source said. “It would be the kind of thing that would give everyone a lift. We’ve done similar things before.”
Usain Bolt’s soccer tryout does appear to have the approval of the Manchester United players. Defender Rio Ferdinand tweeted a message of congratulations to Bolt, also welcoming him to try out for the squad, Fox Sports reported.
Bolt replied jokingly … or maybe not … that he was game for the soccer tryout.
Despite being the fastest man in the world, it’s not likely that Usain Bolt’s soccer tryout results in a spot on the team. He would be competing against players who have trained in soccer their entire lives.



Usain Bolt & David Rudisha: Olympic stars united in greatness

David Rudisha and Usain Bolt celebrate Olympic victory

FROM THE bbc...

One night, two very contrasting athletes, two very similar coronations.
Few parallels should be drawn between Usain Bolt and David Rudisha. Their homes are thousands of miles apart. They run different distances. They live entirely dissimilar lives.
But in the Olympic Stadium on a warm summer's evening in London, they were united - as history-makers, as record-breakers, as the two great global stars of their sport.
With 200m gold, Bolt confirmed himself as the supreme sprinter of all time. With a blistering world record in the greatest 800m ever run,Rudisha showed the wider world what athletics fans have been trying to tell them for the past two years: this man is extraordinary.
Five years ago, the Kenyan was a decidedly average decathlete, no-heighting in the pole vault at the district championships near his home in Iten.
Now, with Olympic gold to go with his world title and an even more startling world record to blow apart his old mark, he is master of a single and special trade.
Not for Rudisha the chicken nuggets and pre-race clowning that Bolt has delighted in since those epoch-changing nights in Beijing's Bird's Nest four years ago.
His race-day meal is rice and chicken, fruit and yoghurt. Where Bolt would later flirt with a kit-girl as he stripped off and wave regally on his blocks like a Roman emperor, Rudisha stayed straight-faced and fancy-free.
Bolt, as ever, celebrated his fifth Olympic gold like a glorious loon - crossing the line with an admonishing finger to his lips, throwing himself down into 10 press-ups, seizing a photographer's camera to snap back at the flashes fired at him from all around.
Rudisha raised one modest arm then the other, perhaps aware of what wild celebrations he had triggered back home.
Play media
David Rudisha
Olympics athletics: David Rudisha breaks world record to win 800m
When he broke his last world record two summers ago, his Masai tribe paid tribute by slaughtering 50 cows. Friday morning, you feared, would not be a happy dawn for bovines in the Rift Valley.
Different men, different displays. Yet in their own history-making ways these two men share more than just a special hour in London's Olympic Stadium.
Amid an atmosphere of ferment and fervour, Bolt and Rudisha delivered where others have failed.
World 800m record-holders have struggled to live up to their storied reputations at Olympic Games. Seb Coe missed out on gold in both 1980 and 1984. Wilson Kipketer did the same two decades later.
Neither has any man in history managed to retain an Olympic 200m title. Coe, Kipketer, Carl Lewis, Tommie Smith. It's not a bad quartet to top.
With their distinctive and devastating running styles, each man appears so impeccably designed for their chosen distance that their rivals have little choice but to scrap for silver.
Rudisha, unchanging and unflagging from gun to tape, has the ground-eating stride of some relentless robot. Bolt, long-limbed yet explosive as a firecracker, slingshots round a top bend in a golden blur.
The results are unparalleled.
Play media
Usain Bolt
Usain Bolt retains 200m title to make Olympic history
Rudisha's one minute 40.91 seconds set a new benchmark in an event where only three other men in 36 years have set world records: Alberto Juantorena, Coe and Kipketer.
So fast was he that behind him all manner of other marks went up in smoke. There were personal bests for six of the remaining seven, five went under 1:43, while every single man ran the fastest ever time for their placing in history.
Silver medallist Nijel Amos of Botswana, just 18, equalled Coe's legendary former world record with 1:41.73 but was almost an afterthought.
Way down in eighth place, British runner Andrew Osagie's 1:43.77 was enough to put him fourth in the all-time UK rankings behind Coe, Steve Cram and Peter Elliott. In each of the past three Olympic finals, his time would have won him gold.
It went on and on. In fourth and fifth, Duane Solomon and Nick Symmonds became the second and third fastest Americans ever over 800m.
The splits triggered amazement: 23.4 secs for the first 200m, 25.88 secs for the second, a critical 25.02 for the third and 26.61 to bring it all home.
The statisticians and diehards cooed. The 80,000 believers who came to pay homage to Usain received their own blessing, too.
Bolt's 19.32 not only matched Michael Johnson's gold-medal winning world record from the Atlanta Olympics of 1996 but was the fourth fastest ever run.
Had it not been for his back tightening up midway through, his own world record of 19.19 secs may have gone. As it is, Bolt now has four of the fastest six times ever in his favourite event of all.
The on-looking Johnson was unequivocal in his praise.
"In my opinion, we have seen the two best athletes in the sport tonight," he said afterwards. "They are complete opposites, but both great athletes and great ambassadors for the sport."
Rudisha, too, paid tribute to a fellow sporting superstar.
"I knew I would be running with so many people watching all over the world because of him," he said, gold medal heavy around his neck.
"People love Bolt. He has many fans out there because of his great achievements and breaking world records in Olympics. I've done the same and it's a great honour. I'm happy and I'm happy for him."
Then, around the same time that Bolt was ducking his head to receive his fifth gold and become the most decorated Jamaican Olympian of all time, Rudisha threw in the sort of casual teaser that could have promoters and television executives throwing suitcases of cash in every direction.
"His speciality is 100m and 200m, I am good at 800m. Maybe one time we can meet at 400 and compete for fun. That would be great."

David Rudisha

  • Born: 17 December 1988
  • Medals: 800m Olympic champion 2012; 800m world champion 2011; African 800m champion 2008, 2010; 800m world junior champion 2006
  • 800m PB: 1:40.91 (World Record)
  • 400m PB: 45.50 seconds


"They are complete opposites, but both great athletes and great ambassadors for the sport