Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The finalists of the CNN African Journalist Awards 2012 gather on stage.


VENUE: Lusaka, Zambia.
DATE: Saturday 21st July, 2012.

- NIMROD TAABU AND CHARLES KARIUKI- NTV Kenya: Mr Taabu won the best TV news bulletin award for his story series on the problems residents of Pokot county face in search of water- “Pokot water challenges, Portraits Of pain.” His cameraman was Mr. Charles Kariuki.

-JOHN MUCHANGI- The Star Newspaper Kenya: science writer and the only print journalist from Kenya, he won the HIV/AIDS reporting award. The award remained with the Star Newspaper for a 2nd year consecutively, after the Star’s journalist Fatuma Noor won it in 2011. Muchangi won for his story “Inside the Life of a Nairobi Male Sex Worker”.

Inside the life of Nairobi male sex workers

ON THE PROWL: Mantulli Systems waits for clients.

As the globe marks World Aids Day today, we take a look at the growing population of male sex workers in Kenya
Mantulli System 25, wears bright makeup and colourful clothing every evening and then heads to work. He struts into an inconspicuous pub near Kirinyaga Road in Nairobi where he orders two beers and waits. This is yet another promising evening. “You see, you people condemn us during the day but at night you are our clients,” he says.
Mantulli has been a sex worker for eight years now having escaped home at 18 years after his family disowned him. He is Taita, but prefers to use his “business” name to hide his real identity. He is among hundreds of young male sex workers in Nairobi. Social workers say this is a growing underground population only known to its clientele and a few health officials.
This new breed of sex workers are vulnerable to HIV infections and have come under focus as the country struggles to contain HIV within the 1.5 million Kenyans already infected.
At the bar table, Mantulli is joined by Fabian, his 24-year-old friend. Light-skinned, tall and slender, Fabian also orders two bottles of his favourite beer. “Yes we are here,” says Mantulli in a flattering and gentle voice. He frequently flickers his eyelids, scanning the entire bar. He then twists his lips and says the young men present are all sex workers. “I drink daily with them. Sometimes a client may come here or just send somebody to pick me. About 90 per cent of my clients are married men. I know this because they insist that we pay for a hotel room instead of their homes.”
He adds: “Some of the religious leaders and government ministers who condemn us during the day are our clients at night.” Mantulli says he likes his job. “My brothers hate me a lot, although I usually send money home to help them. I tell them I am a sex worker, not a prostitute.” He grew up in Mombasa where his mother operates a small shop.
Mantulli says he understands his business is risky. Men who have sex with men account for 15 per cent of all HIV infections in Kenya, according to the 2008 Kenya Modes of Transmission Survey. Other studies have shown that among MSM, infection rates could be as high as 30 per cent, compared to the national average of seven per cent.
The National Aids and STI Control Programme (Nascop) fears this high concentration of HIV is finding its way into marriages. The 2007 Kenya Aids Indicator Survey shows nearly half of all Kenyans living with HIV are married couples. Nascop deputy director Dr Peter Cherutich says male sex workers can no longer be ignored although their work is illegal. “We are sensitising hospitals to provide treatment to everyone regardless of their sexual orientation,” he says.
Mantulli says some clients offer more money for unprotected sex. “At such times you take the money.” He says there is plenty of money to be made in Nairobi, compared to Mombasa. “There is more money here. In Nairobi somebody can give you Sh5,000 for one night only. In Mombasa clients usually give you Sh1,000.”
He claims the police and hospitals are their worst enemy. “The police easily identify us because of fancy dressing. They always demand at least Sh1,000 bribes from each of us. If one does not have money, some policemen rape you. If you resist, you’re thrown into the cells and charged in court with a totally different offence like touting,” Mantulli says.
Although there is no legal definition of prostitution in the Kenyan penal code, it is illegal to live off the earnings of prostitution. Same sex intercourse is also illegal and punishable by up to 14 years in prison.
A non-governmental organisation working among sex workers says such legal bottlenecks make intervention hard because sex workers avoid treatment fearing arrest. “As a country we seriously need to consider these groups because they may be the source of most new infections to the general population,” says Job Akuno, a project manager with the National Organisation of Peer Educators.
He is in charge of a programme that offers health education to 2,000 male sex workers and 12,000 female sex workers across the country. “Our policy is clear. We do not condone neither do we condemn them, but every human being must have access to health services,” he says.
Mantulli, a muslim, says nearly all government hospitals are reluctant to treat male sex workers for sexually transmitted infections. “I once went to hospital with anal gonorrhoea and all nurses and doctors refused to attend to me. They asked how a man can have anal gonorrhoea unless he’s gay.”
Mantulli lives alone in a small rented room in the city centre after being chased away by fellow tenants in the estates. His friend Fabian is more feminine and more discrete. He mapped male sex workers for several organisations and says there are about 4,000 in Nairobi, mostly in their 20s and in school.
He is the last born in a family of three. His mother, a mitumba clothes trader, died of Aids in 1995. He dropped from secondary school in 2005 and the following year was introduced into sex work by a friend he met in Kangemi. “My grandmother used to tell us that education is not everything. She had several plots in the slum yet she was illiterate. So I began going to a bar in Westlands. Here you buy one beer and drink slowly. As the night wears off you’ll get a man chatting you up and the two of you can go to a lodging for the night,” he says. “We didn’t use condoms all the time. Sometimes a good man says we will have sex for Sh10, 000 without a condom and Sh5, 000 if I insist on the condom.”
He says a friend in 2006 introduced him to the Kenya Aids Vaccine Initiative, who were seeking HIV negative men who have sex with men for an HIV vaccine project. Fabian says he took part because he was desperate to find anything to do and the programme made him busy. He says nearly all his clients have been married people of about 40 years. “They are regular clients. These were the best because you’re assured of constant money,” he says.
Fabian says he no longer engages in active sex work because he gets stipends from his volunteer work with NGOs. He was recently invited to South Africa to an Aids Forum to speak of his experience. He presented a paper titled: MSM: The Hidden face of HIV in Kenya. Fabian says his most scaring experience was during the KAVI programme in 2008 when he went for regular screening. “I tested positive. I know I contracted HIV from clients and may have passed it on to others,” he says. “I am still not on ARVs but I take some antibiotics.”
Fabian claims most male sex workers in Nairobi could be living with HIV but they will not admit it. He now distributes condoms to them in bars at night. Mantulli says he tested negative the last time he took a HIV test. He drowns his second beer. We have to leave as one client approaches the table.

  • Kingdomishere

    All said and done the fact is, a strictly gay society can not go
    beyond the first generation. Gayism is a concept that is fatally flawed in its
    entirety. Gays satisfy their perverted desires by preying on a populace
    perpetuated by heterosexuals, a concept referred to as parasitism. Parasites
    fully depend on their host for self-perpetuation with host suffering
    detrimental effects. If parasites are not kept in check host systems is soon
    overwhelmed and breaks. The parasite has to move on to another host or die off
    with the overwhelmed host. It has taken a heterosexual society thousands of
    years to build the current head count of about 7 billion and growing.
    Hypothetically if all humans became strictly gay from this very moment
    henceforth, a population of 7 billion will be wiped down to zero in roughly
    100years! That is how detrimental a gay society can be! Gay-ism is totally
    self-defeating and fatally flawed to the core, just as the practice of theft,
    rape, murder etc. This is the just the simple truth irrespective of whether I
    am gay, my brother father son or anyone close to me.Gayism is a clear path to destruction.
  • Stroka Hontaz

    who cares on what goes on in peoples bedrooms? what destruction does it do to you, a heterosexual man? Ignorance strikes again! You should be more concerned on what our elected 'leaders' are doing - corruption. With people like you, how would we be wiped out of earth, so brother go forth and fill the world before the Gay wipe you out.....
  • Kingdomishere

    Storka Hontaz, talk about ignorance striking again. My grandmother is aware when her cattle herd is infested with vermin she does not bring in new cows simply because the vermin will spread to the new cows as well. As a matter of fact if she had intentions of bringing in new cows she puts that on hold and first, deals with the vermin. IT administrators do the same thing when their networks are infected with a virus. They do not expand the network simply because the virus will spread further. In both these instances the offending element is a parasite. What I am putting to you is common knowledge also known as common sense which apparently is not common to all. Asking heterosexuals to increase in numbers while ignoring the effects of gayism is simply expanding the gays sphere of influence meaning you are yet to grasp the parasitism concept (ignorance) or are simply ignoring it (a foolish choice any day). The fact is any society that chooses to condone any form of sociopathy gayism included is automatically engaged in a zero sum game.
    To address your simplistic thoughts, you say we “should be more concerned on what our elected 'leaders' are doing”. The article mentions that our politician and leaders are also engaged with this vice so yes I am expressing concern at what our elected leaders are doing. They are engaged in corrupting the society both morally and otherwise. You say “who cares on what goes on in people’s bedrooms?” News flash, the law cares hence prohibits sexual acts with persons of the same sex. The law can even dissolve a marriage based on denial of conjugal rights. With this awareness you do not need to be a genius to realize that what goes on or does not in ones bedroom is clearly societies business. Upgrade your thoughts my friend seems you are swimming in an ocean of ignorance and basking in folishness.
  • Guest

    Storka Hontaz, to address your simplistic thoughts, you say we “should be more concerned on what our elected 'leaders' are doing”. The article mentions that our politician and leaders are also engaged with this vice so yes I am expressing concern at what our elected leaders are doing. They are engaged in corrupting the society both morally and otherwise. You say “who cares on what goes on in people’s bedrooms?” News flash, the law cares hence prohibits sexual acts with persons of the same sex. The law can even dissolve a marriage based on denial of conjugal rights. With this awareness you do not need to be a genius to realize that what goes on or does not in ones bedroom is clearly societies business. Upgrade your thoughts my friend seems you are swimming in an ocean of ignorance and basking in folishness.
  • pmdawn

    The true voice of the Kenyan people is being subtly conditioned to the acceptance of sodomy by a Frankfurt school style of Marxism, that will, without any doubt, bring them to their knees.
    After the destruction of Russia in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution which led to the slaughter of 10 million men, women and children, a man by the name of Georg Lukacs, a Communist and Marxist theoretician moved to Germany from Soviet Russia in 1924 where he chaired the first meeting of a group of Bolshevik Intelligensia. A gathering that was to lead to the foundation of the Frankfurt School.
    Their task was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which they hoped would bring down what they saw as the “oppressive” order. Their Marxist policies they hoped would spread like a virus.
    The School recommended among others the following:-

    1. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
    2. The undermining of schools and teachers authority-Mutula and his miniskirts.
    3. The promotion of excessive drinking, drugs, sexual deviance and general Debauchery.
    4. Emptying of churches.
    5. An unreliable legal system.
    6. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
    7. Control and dumbing down of the media-Kim Kardashian anyone?
    8. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
    Well, the spread of the virus has been slower than hoped. But now it is rapidly reaching it’s objective.
  • Susan Nyanchwa

    @ pmdawn-Well put pmdawn.Whoever has ears let them use them. Some of Satan's ways of making sure that he doesn't go to hell alone. He is smater than any human being and if one can't cling to God, you're already finished. This indeed is becoming worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.
  • mzalendohatari

    You are not very smart are you?
  • pmdawn

    Care to explain?
  • TheRealSage

    I don't imagine the big newspapers carrying a story like this, Kudos to The Star. This is just the reality that belies traditional Kenyan hypocrisy. Remember this is the country where we go and organize national funerals with all pomp & pageantry without even mentioning that the deceased succumbed to AIDS. This disease is really wreaking havoc mainly because of our hypocrisy, less because of illiteracy. Let us wake up to the fact that we have an issue with morality, and that sits at the top of all of Kenya's problems, from political to social and even economic.
  • Lydiah Nyawira

    Wow this is a beautifully written piece on a very critical issue in this country. My worry is if these clients are married then what are the partners of these clients exposed to... unaware of the risky behavior their husbands are engaged in?
  • Joni Jnr

    It is time to face the reality. Gays and lesbians should be fully protected and involved in the war against HIV-AIDS. Bisexual males are a very big risk to their wives because they can transfer virus to their faithful wives. Let us stop our homophobic attitudes and together seek for better health and safety of each members. You may not be at risk but remember that the  irresponsible sex network may caught up with you one day. A HIV virus in a gay/lesbian may finally find its way to you through your girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband!
  • Guest

    Haiyaiyaiyee! if this article is from a true source, then this kenya is more of a sodom n gommorah
  • Joe

    Kenya is no Sodom and Gomorrah thn any other country. We just need to accept the fact that we have brothers and sisters who are gay and lesbian. Trying to legislate them out like they aare doing in Nigeria or Uganda is a fool's errand at best.
  • natasha saitoti

    u think....what willl u say when u read abt transgender and intersex people in kenya?
  • Joe

    And yet we still like to pretend homosexuality does not exist in Kenya.
  • Guest

    Interesting times in deed. Prayers seem to be directed towards more pressing national political agenda.
    Someone smarter than me, claims that we have virgins who are HIV+.  We really are all screwed, figuratively and literally.
    I wouldnt worry much about how many funny people we have in kenya, after all,we just been declared the most corrupt nation in the universe?
  • kipnaomi

    The fact homosexuality is in Kenya does not make it right,whether legally or morally.I have friends who are gay and i can swear that most are in it at first for the money,but get entangled in it after sometime.In high school most of us experimented with it but ditched it after getting the real deal.
  • ken

    you are right, a honest gay will admit he is doing the wrong thing, though it is difficult to break away, he will also go ahead and warn others about getting into the trap.
    the demon works with head, otherwise, why would male choose a man over an obviously beautiful, soft and naturally hygienic female.
  • sura mbaya

    Nothing new here. We all know this happens but we choose to marginalize and criminalize these individuals instead of proactively addressing them. In addition this is not only happening in Kenya but also across the border in Kampala where another nation with its collective head in the sand even threatens to execute LGBTs..... what hypocrites.
  • With_a_Y

    During the just concluded Mid Term Review of the KNASP III, it was concerning to hear people making comments like "These MARPs are mostly found in Nairobi, Mombasa and the Western world and something needs to be done very fast before it gets to the rural areas".
    Which reminded me of the story of the Maasai from Maashuru in Kajiado saying HIV is a disease of the people of the town and those on the tarmac (the Chinese and other road construction workers)
    One other key challenge to HIV prevention among the high risk groups is the societies' continued denial of the existence of such populations and social intolerance to them when they do come out.
    This is no other than  community health worker at a national stakeholders forum, so you and I may as well guess the struggle we have of closing the tap on new HIV infections.
    Many a times we fail to realise that because we have evicted and sent away all those who came out as MSMs or Sex Workers from our homes and villages, the only safe place for them is the urban area.
  • Masumbi

    Reminds me of a Kenyan who lived in Chicago many years ago.  The guy was from Ukambani and migrated to the US probably in the 80s.  He was gay and was a common feature in the night life and gay hangouts of downtown Chicago. He died many years ago but what I recall most about him is that he was deserted by Kenyan compatriots when he needed them most. When he was dying of AIDS.
  • Aswila Ahmed

    Well, realy touching story.  It leaves me to wonder why married men have sex with fellow men and yet they have a wife? so is marriage just a charade?
  • crymeanonion

    An article about human diversity and adversity. Nicely done. 
  • ken

    fabian should take a superior test, if not positive, he should find himself a dignified work, not prostitution or that humiliating NGO job. also he should find himsef a wife and toil like the rest of us men.if negative still, he should find himself a negative wife and do something useful to mankind instead of trying to justify a carrerer that appears to be like a death bed.
    homosexuality should remain unacceptable in this nation, i dont know which lines of this article some of us have skipped to start justifying this behaviour.would anyone wish that for a brother or a close friend? what i learn is that, the male prostitutes have the least life expectancy in a society because of vulnarability to hiv and other conditions attributed to male-male sex.secondly, the hiv infections is very high and has the author writes, many families and innocent lives are being wrecked because of this.
    if anybody is sick,then, he has right to medical care, but whatever the support is to be accorded, all indications must remain clear that homosexuality is unnatural and unacceptable.
    1.5 million is no joke, if we dont behave more resposibly, this disease will finish this nation. i insist 'condom or go away'  
  • Mochez Kakake Sungura

    yes there are virgins who are HIV+. those r the ones born with the virus & by now some r in their late teens.chunga.
  • Kevin Bernard

  • Esipisu

    Hey Muchangi, you got me thinking. Well done.
  • K'obama's Unkle

    I abhor male on male debauchery ........
  • Alfie Were

  • Mentex Jopono Jnr

    this is crazy................can't you do something like ur friend febian mazee AIDS Is real 
  • David Kuria Mbote

    Very well written article on a very serious issue. Muchangi, I hope you know you contribution is more for the sake of posterity rather than immediate change. It is important to highlight these issues now, so that in 10, or in Kenya's case 30 years, people will realize the sad turn of events was not for lack of knowledge. Ignoring any segment of the society in dealing with sexually transmitted diseases is epidemological foolishness. Many Kenyans would understand that dealing with HIV in the gay community has benefits both financial and epidemological for the heterosexual community as well. But alas,..... but come to think about it, - it means that we would have to treat gays like real humans...now that's a big problem.
  • pachange

    My moral campus instructs me to love these people and hate the sin. That is how I maneuver around them. I do NOT hate them no matter what.
  • MohanMathew

    It's time we accepted the LGBTs as human beings. They are no ogres. They were born with a mnbtal makeup as we see them in now. Their behaviour is not more anti-social than normal people committing adultery. Let's understand them and deal with the problem they are creating proactively. There is absolutely no use wishing them away..
  • Kingdomishere

    Bwana Mohan, should we condone kleptomaniacs? and how about pychopathic
    murderers and rapist? Should we embrace them? Wisdom calls for a cost benefit analysis.
    The cost of condoning LGBT sociopathy is dire. The benefits well, nothing much
    that I can think of other than the ones condoning a vice feeling self righteous
    only to be consumed by the vice they let grow limitlessly. Embracing LGBT is basically
    a lost cause. By the way corruption is quite rampant in Kenya so should
    we embrace it? If a vice is on the rise the wise do not condone it for they
    know that is a path to destruction. They (the wise) are aware that is pointer to something
    going terribly wrong. They (the wise) look for the root cause and rout it out. That is the
    path to prosperity.
  • Susan Nyanchwa

    One in a million words that summarises everything.
  • Thomas K Kariuki

    Hey Am shocked of the world today. Surely Jesus is coming soon to save the earth. As these are some of the signs of ending of this generation of the earth. God bless us Ohh Lord of Mercy.
  • Aydrus

    Although I doubt that Mantulli is a REAL Muslim, however,
    what is the reason of mentioning ISLAM in this sad story.  Why the reporter did not mention Fabian`s
    religion. I would like to advise Media to respect the feelings of Muslims in
    this country and STOP this continuous barbaric war on ISLAM.  
  • Osman

    I agree, Aydrus. The writer is simplying using the article to impute his inborn & inbred bigotry against Islam. Why did'nt the writer mention the faith of Fabian or their male clients? I ask all KENYANS waheshimu dini na mili za wenzao. Muslims are as human as the next guy. Homosexuality knows no race, or religion though its is promoted and defended by most Christian churches.
  • Nangaya

    Homosexuality has always been prevalent at the coast for decades. Muslim sheiks had harems of both women and small boys. It has been historically prevalent in the Arab world, coastal Kenya being an extension of this world.
  • Osman

    Nangaya Could you please peer more closely through the fog of your bigotry and differentiate Arab and Islam. Not all Arabs are Muslim, 52% of Lebanese population are Christians, Egypt has 10-15%, and so is Syria, Morocco e.t.c. So to impute that Muslim Sheikhs had harems does not justify, why the author of the article pointed out Mantuli's faith. Fabian a fellow gay sexworker was not marked using his faith. I am certain that you're aware how strongly the Bible condemns homosexuality, leave alone the Quran. Whatever, your bile with Muslims and Islam in general always point out issues factually. After all Rev. Gene Robinson (the gay Priest) is not a Muslim, neither is Elton John, or John Travolta.
  • Mkwayu

    Mantulli, a muslim, says .............. what is this & purpose ?  all other names mentioned in this story, their faith was not mentioned, what kind of reportage! Muchangi need to notice such bias items.
  • Consumersfederation Kenya

    Real story made real. It is time the society openly discussed this issue. Like other forms of crime say rape and incest, merely condemning gays and lesbians, by any legal and other means, will not stop it. The society should work on a realistic projection of minimizing rather than a perception of elusive eradication
  • Phillipianman

    Mantuli and Fabian, like all gays in the world, know that what he is doing is wrong. They are like criminals who know killing people, stealing, raping and involvement in anti-social behaviour is punishable by law. The Kenyan laws forbids the sexual union of man to man.  This is a legal position entrenched in our legal system and supported strongly by the African customs that do not condone such actions, rightly perverse pursuits.  Prostitution is a singularly sinful act of one selling their body.  In much the same way as slavery is prohibited in all law abiding and democratic societies, the state has the right over the manner in which some human beings want to express their humanity, like using laws to prohibit women from using their sex as a tool for trade, or men from engaging in homosexuality, whether for fun or for profit. The laws of a country should be the final determining factor in the way forward in dealing with this perversity, notwithstanding what British Prime Minister Cameron may say on conditionalities for donor aid.
    Mantuli and Fabian know about the high incidence of HIV-AIDs amongst sex workers, and more the lure for the quick money made in these illicit affairs is not reason enough for him, and others like him, to seek formal recognition and acceptance in society. It is only those steeped deeply in the mire of this malady of homosexuality who can justify the lifestyle.  How should children of a father who has started engaging in homosexuality behave, or grow up?  Should the father teach them his deviance and mothers perhaps teach their daughters the merits of valuing their sexual resources so as to apply them gainfully when they mature?  Slum prostitutes have been known to allow their adolescent daughters step in and entertain men so as be assured of a meal, but it is this degradation of human beings society should militate strongly against, so that no woman or even man has to resort to such beastly acts to survive.  There is nothing to write home about, as Mantuli points out in reference to his family's negative attitude to his choice of lifestyle.  While sympathising with Mantuli for his run in with physicians for the infections he attracts to himself through anal sex for money, one can be frustrated at this suicidal pursuit that by individuals who have the guts to cite and demand human rights for treatment of diseases that come about in what is akin to self-immolation. The physicians' frustrations can be understood from the perspective of having a people who know only too well the dangers and risks of their sexual preferences willingly becoming national liabilities and assuming boorish attitudes when they fall victims of the dreaded diseases that come with their perilous sexual preferences. The activities of such gay activists militates against the physicians' health concerns to control and stop the spread of devastating diseases like HIV-AIDs. But for Mantuli, the fact that he sends money that helps his family, over their protestations over his choice of sexual orientation smacks of shameless righteous indignation.  The government has the onus of clamping down on a vice that has no societal value whatsoever and in right thinking societies would not pass muster as a human right. Kenya should be different and arrest and charge both the male and female prostitutes.  No amount of whitewash can make prostitution acceptalbe in any society, notwithstanding the attempts by those who are craving to demystify the vice by labelling prostitutes as sex workers. For the sake of the sanity of families and in the interest increasing chances of overcoming the threat of the HIV-AIDs pandemic, Kenya should uphold its laws that prohibit same sex relationships and outlaw prostitution as the right way to uphold human rights.  To allow it is actually formalize human rights abuses. Allowing a man or woman the liberty to abuse their own bodies is to allow society to go to rot and constitutes unacceptable laisser fair - anarchy which defeats the whole essence of establishing guiding principles for existence as enforced by a government.
  • Isaac Gitonga

    Speaking from Bibilical point of view i belive we are in the last days and the world is in a sodom and Gomorah condition.I would like to ask every christian after reading this article to meditate on the following Bible verse,"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened".(mathew 24:22).
  • Nangaya

    I know a popular MP who has a very loud mouth in the "Reform" camp. He has impregnated more than 60 young school girls from his constituency and the only punishment for his crime is some parents ( of course the able ones) forced him to pay school fees for the poor child mothers. Is this also not a crime? What if he has aids, someone making kids pregnant willy nilly is definitely not responsible. He should be treated with the same contempt and be held accountable to his misdeeds and jailed for endangering the lives of countless people,. Why do we only demonize the gays? This is a bad societal vice that is un African.Actually it is inhuman, beastly. I dont support infected people or people engaging in risky behavior like prostitution male or female.
    The society needs to be protected. In the west if you knowingly infect someone without telling them you have HIV it is a felony, a serious offense.
  • Daud A

    Does this fellow understand the weight of what they are talking about? The crimes they claim were committed on/against school girls. The police should compel them to record a statement on this matter to assist with investigations.
  • mzalendohatari

    5 sentences in I got tired of reading your bigotry. Homosexuality is a fact of life. Pretending it does not exist, or trying to legistlate against it is an exercise in futility. You can deal with or like an ostrich, put your head in the sand. It looks like you have chosen to do the later.
  • Rose Njoki Wanjiku

    nice article......
  • Nelson Mbugua

    Sex work is as good as office  job.Kila mtu na maisha yake bora ako na chakula na mahali pa kulala.
  • Susan Nyanchwa

    May the Lord Almighty have mercy on you, for your words will judge you one day.

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    Kingdomishere  8 days ago

    All said and done the fact is, a strictly gay society can not go
    beyond the first generation. Gayism is a concept that is fatally flawed in its
    entirety. Gays satisfy their perverted desires by preying on a populace
    perpetuated by heterosexuals, a concept referred to as parasitism. Parasites
    fully depend on their host for self-perpetuation with host suffering
    detrimental effects. If parasites are not kept in check host systems is soon
    overwhelmed and breaks. The parasite has to move on to another host or die off
    with the overwhelmed host. It has taken a heterosexual society thousands of
    years to build the current head count of about 7 billion and growing.
    Hypothetically if all humans became strictly gay from this very moment
    henceforth, a population of 7 billion will be wiped down to zero in roughly
    100years! That is how detrimental a gay society can be! Gay-ism is totally
    self-defeating and fatally flawed to the core, just as the practice of theft,
    rape, murder etc. This is the just the simple truth irrespective of whether I
    am gay, my brother father son or anyone close to me.Gayism is a clear path to destruction.

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      Stroka Hontaz  6 days ago  parent

      who cares on what goes on in peoples bedrooms? what destruction does it do to you, a heterosexual man? Ignorance strikes again! You should be more concerned on what our elected 'leaders' are doing - corruption. With people like you, how would we be wiped out of earth, so brother go forth and fill the world before the Gay wipe you out.....

      • Avatar

        Kingdomishere  5 days ago  parent

        Storka Hontaz, talk about ignorance striking again. My grandmother is aware when her cattle herd is infested with vermin she does not bring in new cows simply because the vermin will spread to the new cows as well. As a matter of fact if she had intentions of bringing in new cows she puts that on hold and first, deals with the vermin. IT administrators do the same thing when their networks are infected with a virus. They do not expand the network simply because the virus will spread further. In both these instances the offending element is a parasite. What I am putting to you is common knowledge also known as common sense which apparently is not common to all. Asking heterosexuals to increase in numbers while ignoring the effects of gayism is simply expanding the gays sphere of influence meaning you are yet to grasp the parasitism concept (ignorance) or are simply ignoring it (a foolish choice any day). The fact is any society that chooses to condone any form of sociopathy gayism included is automatically engaged in a zero sum game.
        To address your simplistic thoughts, you say we “should be more concerned on what our elected 'leaders' are doing”. The article mentions that our politician and leaders are also engaged with this vice so yes I am expressing concern at what our elected leaders are doing. They are engaged in corrupting the society both morally and otherwise. You say “who cares on what goes on in people’s bedrooms?” News flash, the law cares hence prohibits sexual acts with persons of the same sex. The law can even dissolve a marriage based on denial of conjugal rights. With this awareness you do not need to be a genius to realize that what goes on or does not in ones bedroom is clearly societies business. Upgrade your thoughts my friend seems you are swimming in an ocean of ignorance and basking in folishness.

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          Guest  5 days ago  parent

          Storka Hontaz, to address your simplistic thoughts, you say we “should be more concerned on what our elected 'leaders' are doing”. The article mentions that our politician and leaders are also engaged with this vice so yes I am expressing concern at what our elected leaders are doing. They are engaged in corrupting the society both morally and otherwise. You say “who cares on what goes on in people’s bedrooms?” News flash, the law cares hence prohibits sexual acts with persons of the same sex. The law can even dissolve a marriage based on denial of conjugal rights. With this awareness you do not need to be a genius to realize that what goes on or does not in ones bedroom is clearly societies business. Upgrade your thoughts my friend seems you are swimming in an ocean of ignorance and basking in folishness.

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      pmdawn  8 days ago

      The true voice of the Kenyan people is being subtly conditioned to the acceptance of sodomy by a Frankfurt school style of Marxism, that will, without any doubt, bring them to their knees.
      After the destruction of Russia in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution which led to the slaughter of 10 million men, women and children, a man by the name of Georg Lukacs, a Communist and Marxist theoretician moved to Germany from Soviet Russia in 1924 where he chaired the first meeting of a group of Bolshevik Intelligensia. A gathering that was to lead to the foundation of the Frankfurt School.
      Their task was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which they hoped would bring down what they saw as the “oppressive” order. Their Marxist policies they hoped would spread like a virus.
      The School recommended among others the following:-

      1. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
      2. The undermining of schools and teachers authority-Mutula and his miniskirts.
      3. The promotion of excessive drinking, drugs, sexual deviance and general Debauchery.
      4. Emptying of churches.
      5. An unreliable legal system.
      6. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
      7. Control and dumbing down of the media-Kim Kardashian anyone?
      8. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
      Well, the spread of the virus has been slower than hoped. But now it is rapidly reaching it’s objective.

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      TheRealSage  8 months ago

      I don't imagine the big newspapers carrying a story like this, Kudos to The Star. This is just the reality that belies traditional Kenyan hypocrisy. Remember this is the country where we go and organize national funerals with all pomp & pageantry without even mentioning that the deceased succumbed to AIDS. This disease is really wreaking havoc mainly because of our hypocrisy, less because of illiteracy. Let us wake up to the fact that we have an issue with morality, and that sits at the top of all of Kenya's problems, from political to social and even economic.

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        Lydiah Nyawira  8 months ago

        Wow this is a beautifully written piece on a very critical issue in this country. My worry is if these clients are married then what are the partners of these clients exposed to... unaware of the risky behavior their husbands are engaged in?

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          Joni Jnr  8 months ago

          It is time to face the reality. Gays and lesbians should be fully protected and involved in the war against HIV-AIDS. Bisexual males are a very big risk to their wives because they can transfer virus to their faithful wives. Let us stop our homophobic attitudes and together seek for better health and safety of each members. You may not be at risk but remember that the  irresponsible sex network may caught up with you one day. A HIV virus in a gay/lesbian may finally find its way to you through your girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband!

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            Guest  8 months ago

            Haiyaiyaiyee! if this article is from a true source, then this kenya is more of a sodom n gommorah

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              Joe  8 months ago  parent

              Kenya is no Sodom and Gomorrah thn any other country. We just need to accept the fact that we have brothers and sisters who are gay and lesbian. Trying to legislate them out like they aare doing in Nigeria or Uganda is a fool's errand at best.

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                natasha saitoti  8 months ago  parent

                u think....what willl u say when u read abt transgender and intersex people in kenya?

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                Joe  8 months ago

                And yet we still like to pretend homosexuality does not exist in Kenya.

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                  Guest  8 months ago

                  Interesting times in deed. Prayers seem to be directed towards more pressing national political agenda.
                  Someone smarter than me, claims that we have virgins who are HIV+.  We really are all screwed, figuratively and literally.
                  I wouldnt worry much about how many funny people we have in kenya, after all,we just been declared the most corrupt nation in the universe?

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                    kipnaomi  6 months ago

                    The fact homosexuality is in Kenya does not make it right,whether legally or morally.I have friends who are gay and i can swear that most are in it at first for the money,but get entangled in it after sometime.In high school most of us experimented with it but ditched it after getting the real deal.

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                      ken  5 months ago  parent

                      you are right, a honest gay will admit he is doing the wrong thing, though it is difficult to break away, he will also go ahead and warn others about getting into the trap.
                      the demon works with head, otherwise, why would male choose a man over an obviously beautiful, soft and naturally hygienic female.

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                      sura mbaya  8 months ago

                      Nothing new here. We all know this happens but we choose to marginalize and criminalize these individuals instead of proactively addressing them. In addition this is not only happening in Kenya but also across the border in Kampala where another nation with its collective head in the sand even threatens to execute LGBTs..... what hypocrites.

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                        With_a_Y  8 months ago

                        During the just concluded Mid Term Review of the KNASP III, it was concerning to hear people making comments like "These MARPs are mostly found in Nairobi, Mombasa and the Western world and something needs to be done very fast before it gets to the rural areas".
                        Which reminded me of the story of the Maasai from Maashuru in Kajiado saying HIV is a disease of the people of the town and those on the tarmac (the Chinese and other road construction workers)
                        One other key challenge to HIV prevention among the high risk groups is the societies' continued denial of the existence of such populations and social intolerance to them when they do come out.
                        This is no other than  community health worker at a national stakeholders forum, so you and I may as well guess the struggle we have of closing the tap on new HIV infections.
                        Many a times we fail to realise that because we have evicted and sent away all those who came out as MSMs or Sex Workers from our homes and villages, the only safe place for them is the urban area.

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                          Masumbi  4 months ago

                          Reminds me of a Kenyan who lived in Chicago many years ago.  The guy was from Ukambani and migrated to the US probably in the 80s.  He was gay and was a common feature in the night life and gay hangouts of downtown Chicago. He died many years ago but what I recall most about him is that he was deserted by Kenyan compatriots when he needed them most. When he was dying of AIDS.

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                            Aswila Ahmed  8 months ago

                            Well, realy touching story.  It leaves me to wonder why married men have sex with fellow men and yet they have a wife? so is marriage just a charade?

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                              crymeanonion  8 months ago

                              An article about human diversity and adversity. Nicely done. 

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                                ken  5 months ago

                                fabian should take a superior test, if not positive, he should find himself a dignified work, not prostitution or that humiliating NGO job. also he should find himsef a wife and toil like the rest of us men.if negative still, he should find himself a negative wife and do something useful to mankind instead of trying to justify a carrerer that appears to be like a death bed.
                                homosexuality should remain unacceptable in this nation, i dont know which lines of this article some of us have skipped to start justifying this behaviour.would anyone wish that for a brother or a close friend? what i learn is that, the male prostitutes have the least life expectancy in a society because of vulnarability to hiv and other conditions attributed to male-male sex.secondly, the hiv infections is very high and has the author writes, many families and innocent lives are being wrecked because of this.
                                if anybody is sick,then, he has right to medical care, but whatever the support is to be accorded, all indications must remain clear that homosexuality is unnatural and unacceptable.
                                1.5 million is no joke, if we dont behave more resposibly, this disease will finish this nation. i insist 'condom or go away'  

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                                  Mochez Kakake Sungura  6 months ago

                                  yes there are virgins who are HIV+. those r the ones born with the virus & by now some r in their late teens.chunga.

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                                    Kevin Bernard  8 months ago


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                                      Esipisu  2 days ago

                                      Hey Muchangi, you got me thinking. Well done.

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                                        K'obama's Unkle  5 days ago

                                        I abhor male on male debauchery ........

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                                          Alfie Were  7 days ago

                                          GAYISM IS MORAL TERRORISM PERIOD!

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                                            Mentex Jopono Jnr  8 days ago

                                            this is crazy................can't you do something like ur friend febian mazee AIDS Is real 

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                                              David Kuria Mbote  8 days ago

                                              Very well written article on a very serious issue. Muchangi, I hope you know you contribution is more for the sake of posterity rather than immediate change. It is important to highlight these issues now, so that in 10, or in Kenya's case 30 years, people will realize the sad turn of events was not for lack of knowledge. Ignoring any segment of the society in dealing with sexually transmitted diseases is epidemological foolishness. Many Kenyans would understand that dealing with HIV in the gay community has benefits both financial and epidemological for the heterosexual community as well. But alas,..... but come to think about it, - it means that we would have to treat gays like real humans...now that's a big problem.

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                                                pachange  8 days ago

                                                My moral campus instructs me to love these people and hate the sin. That is how I maneuver around them. I do NOT hate them no matter what.

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                                                  MohanMathew  9 days ago

                                                  It's time we accepted the LGBTs as human beings. They are no ogres. They were born with a mnbtal makeup as we see them in now. Their behaviour is not more anti-social than normal people committing adultery. Let's understand them and deal with the problem they are creating proactively. There is absolutely no use wishing them away..

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                                                    Kingdomishere  7 days ago  parent

                                                    Bwana Mohan, should we condone kleptomaniacs? and how about pychopathic
                                                    murderers and rapist? Should we embrace them? Wisdom calls for a cost benefit analysis.
                                                    The cost of condoning LGBT sociopathy is dire. The benefits well, nothing much
                                                    that I can think of other than the ones condoning a vice feeling self righteous
                                                    only to be consumed by the vice they let grow limitlessly. Embracing LGBT is basically
                                                    a lost cause. By the way corruption is quite rampant in Kenya so should
                                                    we embrace it? If a vice is on the rise the wise do not condone it for they
                                                    know that is a path to destruction. They (the wise) are aware that is pointer to something
                                                    going terribly wrong. They (the wise) look for the root cause and rout it out. That is the
                                                    path to prosperity.

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                                                  Thomas K Kariuki  2 months ago

                                                  Hey Am shocked of the world today. Surely Jesus is coming soon to save the earth. As these are some of the signs of ending of this generation of the earth. God bless us Ohh Lord of Mercy.

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                                                    Aydrus  2 months ago

                                                    Although I doubt that Mantulli is a REAL Muslim, however,
                                                    what is the reason of mentioning ISLAM in this sad story.  Why the reporter did not mention Fabian`s
                                                    religion. I would like to advise Media to respect the feelings of Muslims in
                                                    this country and STOP this continuous barbaric war on ISLAM.  

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                                                      Osman  9 days ago  parent

                                                      I agree, Aydrus. The writer is simplying using the article to impute his inborn & inbred bigotry against Islam. Why did'nt the writer mention the faith of Fabian or their male clients? I ask all KENYANS waheshimu dini na mili za wenzao. Muslims are as human as the next guy. Homosexuality knows no race, or religion though its is promoted and defended by most Christian churches.

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                                                        Nangaya  9 days ago  parent

                                                        Homosexuality has always been prevalent at the coast for decades. Muslim sheiks had harems of both women and small boys. It has been historically prevalent in the Arab world, coastal Kenya being an extension of this world.

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                                                          Osman  7 days ago  parent

                                                          Nangaya Could you please peer more closely through the fog of your bigotry and differentiate Arab and Islam. Not all Arabs are Muslim, 52% of Lebanese population are Christians, Egypt has 10-15%, and so is Syria, Morocco e.t.c. So to impute that Muslim Sheikhs had harems does not justify, why the author of the article pointed out Mantuli's faith. Fabian a fellow gay sexworker was not marked using his faith. I am certain that you're aware how strongly the Bible condemns homosexuality, leave alone the Quran. Whatever, your bile with Muslims and Islam in general always point out issues factually. After all Rev. Gene Robinson (the gay Priest) is not a Muslim, neither is Elton John, or John Travolta.

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                                                        Mkwayu  4 months ago

                                                        Mantulli, a muslim, says .............. what is this & purpose ?  all other names mentioned in this story, their faith was not mentioned, what kind of reportage! Muchangi need to notice such bias items.

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                                                          Consumersfederation Kenya  6 months ago

                                                          Real story made real. It is time the society openly discussed this issue. Like other forms of crime say rape and incest, merely condemning gays and lesbians, by any legal and other means, will not stop it. The society should work on a realistic projection of minimizing rather than a perception of elusive eradication

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                                                            Phillipianman  6 months ago

                                                            Mantuli and Fabian, like all gays in the world, know that what he is doing is wrong. They are like criminals who know killing people, stealing, raping and involvement in anti-social behaviour is punishable by law. The Kenyan laws forbids the sexual union of man to man.  This is a legal position entrenched in our legal system and supported strongly by the African customs that do not condone such actions, rightly perverse pursuits.  Prostitution is a singularly sinful act of one selling their body.  In much the same way as slavery is prohibited in all law abiding and democratic societies, the state has the right over the manner in which some human beings want to express their humanity, like using laws to prohibit women from using their sex as a tool for trade, or men from engaging in homosexuality, whether for fun or for profit. The laws of a country should be the final determining factor in the way forward in dealing with this perversity, notwithstanding what British Prime Minister Cameron may say on conditionalities for donor aid.
                                                            Mantuli and Fabian know about the high incidence of HIV-AIDs amongst sex workers, and more the lure for the quick money made in these illicit affairs is not reason enough for him, and others like him, to seek formal recognition and acceptance in society. It is only those steeped deeply in the mire of this malady of homosexuality who can justify the lifestyle.  How should children of a father who has started engaging in homosexuality behave, or grow up?  Should the father teach them his deviance and mothers perhaps teach their daughters the merits of valuing their sexual resources so as to apply them gainfully when they mature?  Slum prostitutes have been known to allow their adolescent daughters step in and entertain men so as be assured of a meal, but it is this degradation of human beings society should militate strongly against, so that no woman or even man has to resort to such beastly acts to survive.  There is nothing to write home about, as Mantuli points out in reference to his family's negative attitude to his choice of lifestyle.  While sympathising with Mantuli for his run in with physicians for the infections he attracts to himself through anal sex for money, one can be frustrated at this suicidal pursuit that by individuals who have the guts to cite and demand human rights for treatment of diseases that come about in what is akin to self-immolation. The physicians' frustrations can be understood from the perspective of having a people who know only too well the dangers and risks of their sexual preferences willingly becoming national liabilities and assuming boorish attitudes when they fall victims of the dreaded diseases that come with their perilous sexual preferences. The activities of such gay activists militates against the physicians' health concerns to control and stop the spread of devastating diseases like HIV-AIDs. But for Mantuli, the fact that he sends money that helps his family, over their protestations over his choice of sexual orientation smacks of shameless righteous indignation.  The government has the onus of clamping down on a vice that has no societal value whatsoever and in right thinking societies would not pass muster as a human right. Kenya should be different and arrest and charge both the male and female prostitutes.  No amount of whitewash can make prostitution acceptalbe in any society, notwithstanding the attempts by those who are craving to demystify the vice by labelling prostitutes as sex workers. For the sake of the sanity of families and in the interest increasing chances of overcoming the threat of the HIV-AIDs pandemic, Kenya should uphold its laws that prohibit same sex relationships and outlaw prostitution as the right way to uphold human rights.  To allow it is actually formalize human rights abuses. Allowing a man or woman the liberty to abuse their own bodies is to allow society to go to rot and constitutes unacceptable laisser fair - anarchy which defeats the whole essence of establishing guiding principles for existence as enforced by a government.

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                                                              Isaac Gitonga  9 days ago  parent

                                                              Speaking from Bibilical point of view i belive we are in the last days and the world is in a sodom and Gomorah condition.I would like to ask every christian after reading this article to meditate on the following Bible verse,"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened".(mathew 24:22).

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                                                                Nangaya  9 days ago  parent

                                                                I know a popular MP who has a very loud mouth in the "Reform" camp. He has impregnated more than 60 young school girls from his constituency and the only punishment for his crime is some parents ( of course the able ones) forced him to pay school fees for the poor child mothers. Is this also not a crime? What if he has aids, someone making kids pregnant willy nilly is definitely not responsible. He should be treated with the same contempt and be held accountable to his misdeeds and jailed for endangering the lives of countless people,. Why do we only demonize the gays? This is a bad societal vice that is un African.Actually it is inhuman, beastly. I dont support infected people or people engaging in risky behavior like prostitution male or female.
                                                                The society needs to be protected. In the west if you knowingly infect someone without telling them you have HIV it is a felony, a serious offense.

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                                                                  Daud A  2 days ago  parent

                                                                  Does this fellow understand the weight of what they are talking about? The crimes they claim were committed on/against school girls. The police should compel them to record a statement on this matter to assist with investigations.

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                                                                mzalendohatari  8 days ago  parent

                                                                5 sentences in I got tired of reading your bigotry. Homosexuality is a fact of life. Pretending it does not exist, or trying to legistlate against it is an exercise in futility. You can deal with or like an ostrich, put your head in the sand. It looks like you have chosen to do the later.

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                                                                Rose Njoki Wanjiku  8 months ago

                                                                nice article......

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                                                                  Nelson Mbugua  8 months ago

                                                                  Sex work is as good as office  job.Kila mtu na maisha yake bora ako na chakula na mahali pa kulala.

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                                                                  marcos  9 days ago

                                                                  continue barring your heads in the sand the reality is regardless of sexual orientation healthcare is a basic human right and should be available to all.my only issue is let this people accept who they are not try to hide who they truly are by starting families and taking jobs which clearly are against their way of life like priesthood in christian churches the fundamental issue to me is accept ourselves,

                                                                  -TOM MBOYA AND EVANSON NYAGA- Royal Media Services Kenya: Kenya retained the overall CNN- multichoice Journalist of the year award, won by Citizen TV news anchor Tom Mboya and Evanson Nyaga for their story titled “ African Tribe In India.” The journalists traveled to Hyderabad, India, last year to follow the roots of the black Indians who migrated to India hundreds of years ago but have retained their African culture. The story also won the Television Features Award.

                                                                  -WAIHIGA MWAURA AND JEPHITHA MWAI- Royal Media Services, Kenya: the sports journalists won the Sport Award for a story on “Maasai Cricket Warriors”.

                                                                  CNN’S senior vice president for international news gathering Parisa Khosravi said this year’s awards showed bravery by journalists. “I have watched my colleagues continue to report fearlessly on a huge range of stories this year, often at a great personal risk and always with immense determination,” she said.

                                                                  Zambian president Michael Sata, in a speech read by Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda, said African journalists should own and tell the story of Africa.

                                                                  “The stories presented are stories of hope for the continent,” Sata said.

                                                                  breaking news- Ethiopia: 20,000 flee Moyale clashes - Red Cross

                                                                  Ethiopia: 20,000 flee Moyale clashes - Red Cross

                                                                  Ethnic clashes in southern Ethiopia are reported to have left at least 18 people dead and 12 others injured.

                                                                  More than 20,000 people have crossed into Kenya to escape the fighting, the Kenyan Red Cross says.

                                                                  A spokesman told the BBC that people were continuing to cross the border although Ethiopian government forces had intervened to stop the fighting.

                                                                  The clashes, in the Moyale area, are thought to have been sparked by a simmering dispute over land rights.

                                                                  Fighting involving the Borana and Garri communities is said to have started mid-week, and to have continued until Friday.

                                                                  Local reports speak of armed militias taking up positions in outlying villages on Wednesday, with the fighting spreading to Moyale town, on the Ethiopia-Kenya border, on Thursday.

                                                                  Many of those who fled across the border into the Kenyan side of Moyale are having to sleep out in the open.

                                                                  The Red Cross says it is providing those who have been displaced with food, water and tarpaulins.


                                                                  breaking news...Ugandan officials, international experts tackle Ebola outbreak that's killed 14

                                                                  Watch this video

                                                                  • NEW: Ugandan president calls on residents to be cautious
                                                                  • Tracing every possible contact with Ebola patients is "very important," WHO says
                                                                  • The Ebola virus killed at least 14 people in midwestern Uganda this month
                                                                  • The virus is a highly infectious disease spread through contact with bodily fluids
                                                                  (CNN) -- Teams in Uganda are trying to track down anyone who came into contact with patients infected with the Ebola virus, which has killed at least 14 people there this month, authorities said Monday.
                                                                  "This is very, very important, to trace every contact and to watch them for an incubation period of 21 days," World Health Organization spokesman Gregory Hartl said.
                                                                  The teams -- consisting of officials from Uganda's ministry of health, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the WHO -- are part of an aggressive approach to try to stamp out the outbreak of the highly infectious virus.
                                                                  Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni spoke on state and private television Sunday urging his countrymen to be cautious.
                                                                  "I therefore appeal to you to be vigilant. Avoid shaking of hands; do not take on burying somebody that has died from symptoms which look like Ebola. Instead, call the health workers to be the ones to do it. And avoid promiscuity because these sicknesses can also go through sex," he said.
                                                                  This month's outbreak in western Uganda initially went undetected because patients did not show typical symptoms, Health Minister Dr. Christine Ondoa told CNN on Sunday. Patients had fevers and were vomiting, but did not show other typical symptoms, such as hemorrhaging.
                                                                  The Ebola virus is a highly infectious, often fatal agent spread through direct contact with bodily fluids. Symptoms can include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, a measles-like rash, red eyes and, at times, bleeding from body openings.
                                                                  But diagnosis in an individual who has only recently been infected can be difficult since early symptoms, such as red eyes and skin rash, are seen more frequently in patients who have more common diseases, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
                                                                  Uganda's Ministry of Health declared the outbreak in Kibaale district Saturday after getting confirmatory results from the Uganda Virus Research Institute identifying the disease as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Sudan strain.
                                                                  The fatality rate for those infected with that strain is about 65%, Hartl said.
                                                                  "One can recover, but there's no medicine that can help one recover, so you just have to pray that your own body is strong enough," he said.
                                                                  Patients with symptoms of Ebola infection had been reported early in the month in Kibaale district.
                                                                  Some people delayed seeking treatment, in part, because they believed that "evil spirits" had sickened them, according to a report from district health authorities.
                                                                  "This caused civil strife among the community, requiring police intervention to quell the animosity," the Health Ministry said.
                                                                  An emergency team of 100 volunteers was undergoing training Monday to help spread the word in vulnerable communities about the disease and its transmission, the Uganda Red Cross Society said in a statement.
                                                                  Medecins Sans Frontieres, also known as Doctors Without Borders, was helping set up an isolation center at Kibaale's hospital.
                                                                  National health authorities say that in addition to the 14 deaths, at least six other people have been infected. Nine of the deaths were from a single household in the village of Nyanswiga, according to WHO.
                                                                  A medic who had treated other victims is among the dead, Ondoa said.
                                                                  Officials were trying to determine the extent of the outbreak, CDC spokesman Tom Skinner said Sunday. The Atlanta-based organization was sending about five people to join CDC staffers permanently based in Uganda, he said.
                                                                  "These outbreaks have a tendency to stamp themselves out, if you will, if we can get in and ... stop the chain of transmission," he said.
                                                                  In Kibaale, a national task force has been mobilized in an effort to stem the outbreak.
                                                                  As of Monday, two people with the virus remained hospitalized in stable condition, said WHO. One was a 38-year-old woman who had attended to her sister, the medic who died, and the other was a 30-year-old woman who had helped bury another victim.
                                                                  Though both patients had symptoms that included fever, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, neither had shown signs of hemorrhaging, the ministry said Sunday.
                                                                  One patient suspected of being infected with the virus ran away from a hospital Sunday morning, but was tracked to her home and returned to the hospital in Kibaale, Catherine Ntabadde, a spokeswoman for the Uganda Red Cross in Kampala, told CNN in a telephone interview.
                                                                  "The concern is where she could have gone to when she ran away," she said.
                                                                  Health officials urged the public to report any suspected cases, to avoid contact with anyone infected and to wear gloves and masks while disinfecting bedding and clothing of infected people.
                                                                  Officials also advised avoiding public gatherings in the affected district.
                                                                  The WHO did not recommend any travel or trade restrictions be applied to Uganda because of the outbreak.
                                                                  The U.S. Embassy in Kampala issued an emergency message for U.S. citizens that said the outbreak appeared to be centered in Nyamarunda Sub County, Kibaale district, although one suspected victim is reported to have traveled to Kampala for treatment at Mulago Hospital, where he died on July 22.
                                                                  It urged avoiding contact with dead animals, especially primates, and refraining from eating "bushmeat."

                                                                  Meet the runner with no country

                                                                  A third event

                                                                  By Mick Krever
                                                                  (CNN) – More than 10,000 athletes are competing in the London Olympics, each representing a country. All, that is, except four.
                                                                  One of the so-called “Independent Olympic Athletes” is Marathon runner Guor Marial. His country of South Sudan is so new – just over one year – that it doesn’t yet have an Olympic team.
                                                                  It is safe to say that no one has had to overcome more hardship en route to the Olympic Games.
                                                                  At age seven, he left his home and was forced to work for Sudanese soldiers, earning just a dollar per month.

                                                                  “The life wasn’t fun,” he says matter-of-factly. “I had to do it because I had no choice. I’d rather get one dollar per month instead of getting nothing or going to eat in the garbage.”
                                                                  Fate rubbed salt in his wound when he was abducted from his de-facto slavery by a group of herders who forced him to tend to their goats and sheep.
                                                                  He was a “lost boy” – part of a generation of Sudanese boys captured and enslaved during a two-decade-long civil war.
                                                                  Marial knew his only option for survival was escape.
                                                                  “I ran into one of the guys; he was a little older than me, around 10, 11, or 12,” Marial recalled. “I talked to him and I said, ‘Okay, what are we going to do?’ These people, I’m pretty sure, they are not going to let us go back. … They might go and kill us and do whatever they want with us.”
                                                                  Two days later, Marial and his accomplice made their escape.
                                                                  “When the sun came up, we started running,” Marial said. “And we walk, we ran, we walk, we ran.”
                                                                  Competition, no surprise, was the furthest thing from his mind.
                                                                  “I was appreciating the running because the running allowed me to escape,” he said. “When I left Sudan, I said I will never, never run again, because I thought running is only for me to save my life.”
                                                                  It was not until Marial was granted asylum to the United States, in 2001, that he could imagine running for sport.
                                                                  “When I came to United States I felt confident and comfortable there,” he said. “I am safe now. I am not worried about anything besides…my parents.” He has not seen him in 20 years.
                                                                  Marial’s whole family still lives in South Sudan.
                                                                  South Sudan’s joyous – and given its history, relatively peaceful – independence last year was quickly tempered. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. And tensions with Sudan over oil and territory have left it teetering on the brink of war.
                                                                  “Everything’s still pretty much the same as I left it; that’s what I’ve been hearing,” Marial said. “There’s still no electricity, no running water, none whatsoever. People are still drinking in a river.”
                                                                  Still, he said, his family will watch him compete in London – no easy task in South Sudan. They will have to walk over 30 miles to get to a village with electricity.
                                                                  Since independence, his family got “a little bit of road,” Marial said. But because it’s the rainy season, the route to the nearest TV is inaccessible by car.
                                                                  “I think they will be more excited than me,” Marial said of his parents. “And very proud of me. And appreciated what I have done, and what I am going to do. And not just them, but I hope the whole South Sudan will appreciate what is going on, and be able to have a chance to see me running in the Olympics, and see their own blood is representing them.”
                                                                  “This is the light I’ve been seeing when I’m walking in the tunnel, in the dark tunnel,” Marial said. “This is what I’ve been waiting for.”
                                                                  RESPONSE FROM THE WORLD...
                                                                  1. Safiya Musa
                                                                    Well done!
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 6:40 pm | Reply
                                                                    • Ann Anhalt
                                                                      Thanks for airing this amazing story. Iowa will be cheering for Guor Marial on August 12th.
                                                                      July 30, 2012 at 7:55 pm | Reply
                                                                  2. ibifaa
                                                                    All hope is never lost for a breathin soul.as africans,despite what we are faced with daily in our continent n different countries we have continue to hold up our heads high in fair esteem...keep d bro n win dis medal 4 south sudan
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 6:41 pm | Reply
                                                                  3. www.twitter.com/hlmelsaid
                                                                    no country(judicial case at USA courts against Obama,UN,vodafone country)
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 6:49 pm | Reply
                                                                  4. Nelson Uche
                                                                    Ride on Bro., The LORD is ur strength. Remember "Winners never quit, neither do quitters win." GOD BLESS YOU.
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 7:03 pm | Reply
                                                                  5. Dan
                                                                    I hope he wins BIG !!
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 7:21 pm | Reply
                                                                  6. Jojoe
                                                                    Have read this article a couple of times and I feel for him. He's got a good life now and a career he won't have had.... Goodluck to him all the way!
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 7:32 pm | Reply
                                                                  7. Mynne
                                                                    Marial's life story of survival merits a good piece for a "true-to-life" movie material. I hope he wins his game, so he could realize his ultimate goal....this time to "run" and win in the Olympics and make his kins & country proud!
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 8:16 pm | Reply
                                                                  8. Makuei
                                                                    Congrats @ Marial, for a step you had taken. Keep up with that spirit. All the best.
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 8:39 pm | Reply
                                                                  9. Rachael
                                                                    The Lord gives joy for ashes and strength for fear. May the Lord be with you and give you strength and endurance to realize your dreams. May He also protect your family. Go Big. Go for Gold. You're already a winner!
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 9:13 pm | Reply
                                                                  10. vanessa
                                                                    Running will be his best curse if ever. I'm looking forward for his victory.
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 9:54 pm | Reply
                                                                  11. walter
                                                                    GOD is Good!!! All the time for Marial.... Good Luck! Be proud... you're a Big winner for us all!!
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 11:17 pm | Reply
                                                                  12. Zane Lina
                                                                    Goosebumps while reading this. He had made a difference. He's inspiring a lot of people now. All the best to him!
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 11:24 pm | Reply
                                                                  13. Rome
                                                                    How painful and how sad from your past.. I really touch compassionately...you will be the one to bring your countrys reputation..to bring them back!and restore and be proud and loud! and Hope!.... God bless you sir!.Love you..were here for you....in silent..
                                                                    July 30, 2012 at 11:26 pm | Reply
                                                                  14. karissadenae
                                                                    Thank you for this sobering article! All the best to this young man!
                                                                    July 31, 2012 at 12:13 am | Reply
                                                                  15. Alberto
                                                                    It is really impressive how people can inspire you so much, in this is one of the examples, I wish you the BEST, Marial,
                                                                    you have already won.
                                                                    Never give up, God bless you.
                                                                    July 31, 2012 at 12:34 am | Reply
                                                                  16. Shadrack D
                                                                    Guor , you are one in million Olympians but the fact that you represent South Sudan is a great honour for all South Sudan citizen. God will be with you n we are also with you. cheers

                                                                  Monday, July 30, 2012

                                                                  THE BLANKETS AND WINE EXPERIENCE: A SOCIAL BUTTERFLIES EVENT WHERE MUSIC MINGLES WITH NATURE!

                                                                  THE BLANKETS AND WINE EXPERIENCE: A SOCIAL BUTTERFLIES EVENT WHERE MUSIC MINGLES WITH NATURE!

                                                                  Picture an afternoon near the Windsor Resort in Kiambu, Kenya. Delicious nyama choma aroma wafting through the air. An artificial lake, a small stage overlooking a beautiful flowery garden and an atmosphere of fresh, clean air.

                                                                  Strewn gloriously across the garden are colorful Maasai shukas, vitenges, kikois and blankets.

                                                                  A very cosmopolitan crowd with bottles of wine, flasks of tea and the odd Tusker seem to be the beverage of choice.

                                                                  On the stage is an Afro-soul artiste the music is enveloping, the conversation intoxicating and for the first time you realize everyone seems so relaxed. Welcome to the Blankets and Wine (B&W) experience.

                                                                  The idea of B&W began as a conversation nearly a year ago in the Nairobi Arboretum. Muthoni Ndonga, a musician who had until then been doing this regular gig at the Dass Restaurant, was whining about the diminishing returns and desire to move.

                                                                  One of her friends, Emukule Ekirapa, after listening to her for a while made a suggestion. “Let’s carry our own shukas, a picnic box, let’s make it a little out of town. Let’s make it about music, but let’s make it about relaxation as well. Let’s create an invitation where you pay for the music but then you could bring anything else that you feel would increase your experience of the music. Let’s make it a Sunday, wholesome, family- friendly experience.” Just like that, Blankets and Whine was born. Muthoni put together the first B&W on November 2nd, 2008.

                                                                  Plans are afoot in November 2012 to enhance the B&W experience by creating a second stage built on the artificial lake.

                                                                  -NB. Blankets and wine is held every first Sunday of the month at Tayana Stables next to Windsor Resort in Kiambu.

                                                                  Source: THE STAR NEWSPAPER, KENYA.

                                                                  BLANKETS AND WINE IS HERE AGAIN!

                                                                  hot secrets blog reports...

                                                                  The 36th edition of Blankets & Wine will be held on 5th August 2012 at the Leisure Gardens Mamba Village Nairobi from 1 - 7pm.
                                                                  On stage we will have a captivating lineup comprising of the dynamic Tumi & the Volume from South Africa alongside our very own Yunasi band. Tumi & Yunasi will feature in the 3rd Blankets & Wine 'Africa Mashup' after the event hosted Claire Phillips & Aaron Rimbui in April and the Meet The Danes mashup which featured Palle Klok, Louise Hoegh & Daniel Aggerbaeck from Denmark and Juliani, Winyo & Chris Adwar in June.

                                                                  The mashup will involve the artistes blending and rearranging some of their songs and then proceed to perform these unique renditions  for the first time ever on the Blankets & Wine stage. This is part of Blankets & Wine's contribution towards the interaction of African music.

                                                                  Also joining them on stage will be the eclectic Sauti Sol and the ever inspiring Michel Ongaro. Visually impaired singer cum guitarist is credited as one of the most talented and accomplished artists in Kenya and it will be a great pleasure to have him with us at this event.

                                                                  This will also be Sauti Sol's maiden performance on the Blankets & Wine stage in 2012 and it will certainly be a welcome treat as they will be performing their just released album, 'Sauti Sol' for the first time. The album is an experimental work in which Sauti Sol has embarked on an exciting mission - to embrace their artistic versatility and blend their signature harmonies with the futuristic sounds of avant-garde South African rapper/producer Spoek Mathambo. The end result of this much-anticipated collaboration reflects the band's mission to break (African) musical stereotypes and borders.

                                                                  Advance tickets for this event are available at select Dormans outlets and online viaticketsasa.com for 1,300 Ksh., 500 Ksh. for children over 5years and free for children between 5-12 years. Tickets at the gate shall be 1,500 Ksh.

                                                                  In the buildup to this event, Blankets & Wine has been running an awareness campaign dubbed The Co-Create Campaign. Check out this video for a glimpse of what it's all about.

                                                                  The campaign will touch on all elements of the collective Blankets & Wine experience. At three and a half years, Blankets & Wine is still going strong and growing thanks to the audience. But with growth comes the inherent challenge of keeping and sharing the spirit, ideals and values of Blankets & Wine with an ever increasing community.