
Thursday, June 7, 2012



“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the hill that has quested it…..”-anonymous.

Do me a favor. I want you to think about the trouble makers, drug addicts and mostly those who don’t fit in our view. But mostly, think about them in your family. Believe me they are thinking of you and not somebody else.
When you take these great teachers who have come into your life to teach you to love them even through what they are struggling with, then there is a need to love them even if it is hard.
Peace Pilgrim was an elderly woman who walked around the country, and all she did, dressed in white, was to talk about peace. Nobody knew her name; she was just called Peace Pilgrim.

One day, she was walking to another street when an accident took place and she was knocked down by a car and she died.
But she left a journal that I believe would return spirit to that place in your heart where there is pain, sorrow , worry, fear, agony and hurt.

In the Bamemba tribe in South Africa, when a person acts irresponsibly, and unjustly, here he is placed at the centre of the village, alone and unfeted. All the work ceases, the entire village gathers around the accused individual and each person of every age begins to talk out aloud to the accused. Each person, one at a time, talks about all the good things the accused at the centre ever did in his lifetime. Every incident, experience that can be recalled with any detail and accuracy is recounted. All positive attributes, good deeds, strengths and acts of kindness are recited carefully and at length.
No is permitted to exaggerate the compliments or positive attributes of the accused. The tribal ceremony often lasts several days, not ceasing until everyone is drained of every positive compliments that can be mastered.
At the end, the tribal circle is broken, joyous celebration takes place and the person is symbolically welcomed back into the tribe. Necessities for such a ceremony are rare.
What if we can teach those who we hate to immerse in a culture of acceptance and love, then that spirit has to rise? No doubt!

1.                 Links- Lessons from the Bamemba Tribe | Kevin Johnson today: personal...
I've been intrigued by this tribe ever since I heard about them while listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer speak on their unique tradition. Take a moment to read about it...

Links- Peace Pilgrim Home
Peace Pilgrim - 1908-1981 - Walking over 25000 miles from 1953 to 1981, Peace Pilgrim spread her message of world, group, and individual inner peace..




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