Showing posts with label go. Show all posts
Showing posts with label go. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2013



Gor Mahia fans have already popped the champagne and spent the better part of the past week on social media raising suggestions on how to celebrate.
Patience pays, so they say, and for sure, the cup by De Facto has come-and the longer the wait, the sweeter the victory.

From the online discussions, t-shirts will not be allowed at the stadium during the last match but instead; designer suits and above. The outfit frenzy is a development that has really caught renowned city tailors gaping and cherry-picking through sleepless nights trying to come up with designs that will fit the taste and style of the flamboyant Green Army.
The fans’ facebook page is already abuzz with heated debates on who should hand over the KPL trophy to the team’s skipper.

“it is my take that top Hollywood actress and award winning Daughter of the Low Land Lupita Nyong’o should be the first to receive the much awaited ‘okombe’ from the FKF president Sam Nyamweya, stretch it to club patron Raila Amolo Odinga who will then pass it to the county’s president, His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta for official handover to Jerry (Gor Captain Jerim Onyango)”; says celebrated Radio Maisha’s host Mzee Jalang’o.

Champagne on ice it is! The final is fete is set for Luos and above as they say!

By Embukane Vincent Libosso.