
Monday, March 24, 2014



Whenever my university prays, I will invariably write about prayers. After the Athi-River incident; the university community has been on prayers. Today, I write on a sad note. Woe unto  a nation or a community that has no people to prick the conscience of the leadership-worse still whose leadership has no conscience to prick. When Daystar university’s notables and grandees put everything else on hold to pray, we must therefore, engage them on the essence of prayer. We must interrogate the manner in which they pray and the prayers they say. Can God take us seriously? This question cannot be wished away.

This week my fees were paid via installment. I handed in the bank receipt and I was told I was late for my payment and I was past the extended deadline. Hence, the university will penalize me and extra fee for the late payment.
I literally cried in that office because I saw the extant at which Daystar had gone in losing compassion. Where you would expect them to be living to the Christian values; you hear of a university that wants to penalize peasant students.

I write this because I speak of many students like me. I am student sponsored by a church based in USA and I know  it takes mercy and compassion to have people deny themselves that I may get the best of education.
Where is our outrage and the student leaders we gave the power to tell the administration we are not impressed? Someone needs to tell them that! Things are not rosy at all.

That is why I come back to the whole issue of Daystar praying! God cannot be mocked. The bottom line is that we cannot pretend about the bad services or the bad things being done, and hope that we could bribe God with a prayer.

By Embukane Vincent Libosso.

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