
Monday, March 18, 2013


Cocacola as an international brand has served the needs of many consumers globally and in Kenya for many years. Their brands are accepted and loved worldwide but I think my love for the brands is slowly fading off.

To me; the face of impunity is best portrayed by a cocacola ad where a lady realizes the seller is about to con her by selling soda at a higher price that the recommended price.
But isn’t that the reality on the ground. The other day I argued with a rude shopkeeper who was selling me a 15-ml black currant soda at ksh. 30 instead of the stipulated ksh.23.
The same impunity crosses over to restaurants and other entertainment joints in the city where a sh.23 soda now goes for sh.100 take it or leave it no questions asked.

Where is the stand os coca cola Kenya on the escalating prices? We are being robbed on broad daylight, left in the hands of greedy middlemen and no one seem to adress this.
An advert as I understand ( I stand corrected) sells a product and passes a message. Your advert does stipulate the price of a 15-ml soda to be sh.23. kindly address this or save us from hearing a wrong advert that is mis- directing Kenyans.

I stand corrected at any rate. This is not a man-hunt letter but a letter from a concerned customer. So, I continue to be a lover of your products while at the same time a critic. But one whose loyalties keep on changing. As long as you address this, you have got yourself a keeper. Kudos on the good job.
-Embukane Vincent Libosso

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