
Friday, October 5, 2012


o some, she may be an upcoming artist but to lovers of music, Vic-Da Divah is a household name and an enigma. She traces a lineage of a musical family and well today we take time to trace this diva’s journey and quest to glory. Her recent tune- “Screw u & her “has been getting positive response over the internet with already an over 16,000 hit views on YouTube.
1.                   Tell us a bit about yourselfI have been singing since I was four year old. My uncle and grandmother were gospel singers, often times we would visit our family in Virginia, and they would create a scene at the local beach. Everyone would crowd around them to listen and worship. My uncle kind of took me under his wing and encouraged my talent. My mom was a battle rapper in her teenage years and my father had a short rap career in Japan. So I am musicians' child.... lol. I began writing in J. H. School. I started to explore my rap talent early in High School but my main focus was singing. I had developed a natural skill of writing, rarely using paper and pen; it was like my heart spoke to the mic..... Lol. I am the oldest
of two sisters and a baby brother. They all are into music themselves... One of my younger sister's and I graduated from Brooklyn
H.S of the arts with me being a vocal major. My baby brother, now 8, has now begun his YouTube career and we recently did a radio interview together it was one of the greatest feelings, I know that I have to make a good example for him. My youngest sister, who just turned sixteen, is trying to find her nitch in the industry. I call her my little super woman, she is so strong. I value family; it’s a major part of me. "Family
First" has been the motto of my 10 year established family entertainment company, SowR3ap 3ntertainment (you reap what you sow!) which is based in the Virgin Islands where my father is from. I've sacrificed a lot of indulges that my generation finds comforting and gratifying. My life is music, everything I do have something to do with it. It’s the only time life makes sense to me. It’s my purpose, my destiny, my future!
2.                   You are from the Caribbean. Tell us about your shift to the States and what impact it had on you…. Being born in Brooklyn New York and my father growing up in St Croix Virgin Islands, so I have lived most of my life in the States. I
believe my frequent travels to and from NYC and the Virgin islands have allowed me to see the beauties of life more clearly. If I could collaborate the
two places, I would certainly have my perfect world.


3.                   You recently released a new video. How is the response? My song titled "Screw U & Her” has been a big WOW!!! The responses that I have been receiving is more than I expected, being a singer and song writer for so many years, with receiving so many views so fast and still growing every day. It makes me feel so good, being I haven't done an R&B song since 2008.


4.                   What is your genre of music since you started with reggae on your debut tune but you have been leaning more on R’n’B? My main genre of music is pop, but with my R&B foundation and reggae experience, you may get a bit of all three in one. I originally started
writing and singing R&B. I just began merging into other genres of music in the last four years. I longed for more than my "normal", it seemed to not be enough. With my father being from the Virgin Islands and me having a few musician friends from Jamaica, so it’s always been in me to do some reggae music as well. I believe that my frequent stays in the Virgin Islands encouraged it more and pushed me to the limit. Being a writer, with over 150 songs written and recorded I pretty much have singles of most genres.

5.                   Apart from music what else are you involved in? I am the founder of Pink Pumpz Productions, we produce and host events. Recently we are working on brunches to encourage young female
awareness. I have a passion pain on the lack of concern from my generation and those after me towards STD's. I believe we need to pull
up and not be so nonchalant of the behaviors of our youth.  PinkPumpzTv is something I've come up with along with sister Miss Crys.

6.                   Who are some of the artist you have worked with? : Once signed Atlantic Records Artist Maleek Legget, and a mentored artist of Wyclef Jean. #1 Break out artist from St Croix Virgin
Islands Cruz Rock.There are a few more current project that I cannot speak on but am proud to be a part of and will release soon.


7.                   What is your ideal night out? My ideal night out is trying a new culture food, establishment followed by a long walk and being at a bar with a live band. Some nights i want to be at bar that plays rock and pop all night so I can dance and never stop until I literally can’t stand. On a relaxed night I could just do movies and
and going to plays, concerts etc..........

8.                   What projects are you currently working on? I'm currently working on new writing projects at the moment. I prefer not to expose these until it’s complete but you will be the first to know once it's completed and I can certainly assure you of that.

9.                   How has Africa responded to your music so far? I must start by saying I love you guys. My mother always says, "When you go, you better take me with you" I remember my facebook page
on my birthday this year. Due to the time difference my first birthday post came from Kenya I had many hard days in my career and I
remember on mornings being stressed, and as walked in the gym, I checked my facebook page and saw... "Africa supports you!" from a fan in Nairobi it was one of the best feelings. I would love to definitely have more connection with the music lovers of Africa.

10.               What is next for Vic-Da Divah and where are you seeing yourself in the next 5 years? Project VII is my next move. It consist of a series of projects, including but not limited to an album, a few music videos
and a fully blown website that will allow my viewers to upload their pics and comments and purchase music, as well as the new tee shirt line. The
first shirt from the line is a feature from the song I mentioned "Screw u & her" which in a matter of 9 days went over the the 15 thousand views mark. During my last run in the Virgin islands, I wrote a book about my life, of struggles, disappointments and so much more and of it being my own way, because I'm the one who lived it, also me accepting and confronting my past and making space for my future. Just maybe, it will be one of the series of the new projects. In five years I see myself having a family business and maybe a family of my own, who knows. I want to be happy, feel complete and even prouder of all the things I have accomplished in five years. I'm an adrenaline junkie, a renegade, if you must, going where the wind takes me. I know I want stability, security and great success. I don’t want to figure out how I will get there, I have my plans, but most importantly I will always have my faith... I trust God in making the appointment, he has the last say so on it all, All I have to do is just show up.


11.               Are you dating? That’s hilarious, which is a touchy topic, but I am not dating at this time. I don’t think I will get any gratification from that at
this is my man.

12.               Where do you draw your inspiration from? I intend to have effective execution from this day on and only release material that represents exactly who I am. I have to be honest with me
all the time. I wasn’t always this secure and confident, but my mother encouraged me to embrace my truth, in which I will make a few mistakes. It set me from being timid and insecure. I LIVE LIFE LOUD with no regrets just appreciation for the experience, as it will probably become someone’s
song if not my own...... lol.

13.               Finally… My parents and siblings are very supportive. My family wants the best for me, although we sometimes clash over my
Renegade nature, they know if I fall too hard I'll come running straight to them.


1.                   Your favorite color… My favorite color is Black... It’s so powerful...
2.                   Your favorite food I love spicy foods and seafood. I am adventurous with food, so
anything new I'm willing to try. I do try and stay clear of red meat as much as possible though.
3.                   Any phobias you have… Phobias, well I use to be afraid of the dark and then I found myself eventually feeling one with it... I don’t really care for bugs much. And
I don’t like body hair AT ALL.......eeewwww........ Lol.

4.                   Your favorite artistes… My favorite artist hands down is Brandy and then Tyrese. There is a vortex in Brandy’s' vocals, she never fails to deliver emotion and has
been my idol all my life.

5.                   A dream country destination… My dream country destination is Japan. My father always talks about his "war stories" as an artist in Japan during his Navy run. It would make me
proud and fulfilled to be able to share stories with him of the culture and their local location highlights.


6.                   What artist would you love to work with… I would love to work with Brandy of course. I feel that I can learn much from her. I would love to just sit there and write a whole album
for her. As far as other artist, I would love to work with Tyrese, also. My dream production season would be Timberland, Rodney
Jerkins, Missy, Bryan Cox and Ryan Lesly. I mean I would love to work with anyone who has clearly sacrificed and lived for their love of

 i would love to also work with Lady Gaga and Neyo.


7.                   Any celebrity crushes… Oh well I have a thing for Lance Gross from Tyler Perry’s' production. I grew up having the biggest crush on Tyrese but have come to the
acceptance that the connection may never happen, but God has the last say so. I love the dark chocolate types but then I have weakness for the Warewolf, Wolverine or the Tarzan type. Wink wink, Hugh Jackman. If you have great teeth, smile, sense of humor and a protective nature, you'll probably be my companion.

8.                   Any other talents you have apart from doing music… I love dancing and choreographing. I love to cook, design homes, creating original dishes as well as re-decorating is therapeutic. It's
like music is a way of expression and release.
9.                   What fashion trend are you currently crazy about? I love the Grudge look, zippers and fringed scarfs. I'm not much of a glamour girl I mean I love my hair and makeup, but I prefer combat
boots and leather jackets over dresses and shoes any day... except when I’m performing, I always go for the shoes, I just might fall in.. I must say I do have a nice shoe collection.

- NB>>>I just performed in
NewYorks fashion Week, for designer Thomas lavone (designer of reality
tv show Jerseylicious)

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